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Clark County, Wisconsin
2016 Archives
Home Page
29 Jul 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 23 Mar 2016
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Bunkelman, Lincoln Scott (Birth - 2016)
Bio: Grotjahn, Aiden Oliver (Birth - 2016)
Bio: Kadolph Hailey (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Kunze, Landon David (Birth - 2016)
Bio: Poland, Anara Sue (Birth - 2016)
Bio: Wolf, Julia (Dean’s List - 2016)
Church: Colby Zion Lutheran (Confirmation - 2016)
New Article provided by the Schaefer family
Obit: Schaefer, Max #2 (1875 - 1964)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Paul
Kobs, Lorraine
Kobs, Raymond
Krueger, Augusta
Krueger, Bennie
Krueger, Bennie - Miliaty
Krueger, Carl
Krueger, Carl W.
Krueger, Edna
Krueger, Henry Otto
Krueger, Lenora
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Trader, Clemence L.
Trader, Eva
Tripp, Family Stone
Tripp, Carrie B.
Tripp, Celia E.
Tripp, Orlando G.
Tubbs, Corinne Lena
Tubbs, Elizabeth Mary
Tubbs, Jesse E.
Tubbs, Lena T.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Boh, Dan (Speaking Contest Finalist - 1961)
Bio: Brux, Kathryn/Koschak Frances (College Graduates - 1961)
Bio: Dyre, Annie (88th Birthday - 1961)
Bio: Koschak, Frances/Brux, Kathryn (College Graduates - 1961)
Bio: Rohde, Dean Robert (Baptism - 4 Jun 1961)
Bio: Severson, Hugh - Family Reunion (1961)
Bio: Timmler, Irving/Wessel, Allan (Farmer Degree - 1961)
Bio: Turnquist, Arlyn (Eau Claire Graduate - 1961)
Bio: Ulesich, Wendy Ellen (Birth - 23 May 1961)
Bio: Vollrath, Son of Mr./Mrs. Dale (Baptism - 21 May 1961)
Bio: Wessel, Allan/Timmler, Irving (Farmer Degree - 1961)
BioM: Mlada, Margaret (1961)
27 Jul 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Johnson, Diane Lee (Engagement - 1974)
Bio: Kylloneu, Patsy Jean (Engagement - 1974)
BioA: Schlinsog, Mr. and Mrs. Harry (Golden - 1974)
BioA: Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth (Golden - 1974)
BioA: Schultze, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (60th - 1974)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Jun/Jul -1974)
Church: Neillsville - St. Mary’s Catholic (New Pastor - 1974)
News: Clark Co. Historical Group (Picnic - 1974)
Obit: Holub, Vladimer “Ladd” (1906 - 1954)
Obit: Post, Debbie (? - 1974)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Obit: Grantham, Willie A. (1946 - 2016)
Obit: Olson, Sayoko (1932 - 2016)
Obit: Peterson, Charles (1948 - 2016)
Obit: Schley, James H. (1952 - 2016)
School: Colby H.S Class of 1956 (60th Reunion - 2016)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Paul
Kalepp, Donald W.
Kalepp, Judith A.
Kind, Gottlieb
Kind, Ottilie
Klemm, Hedwig
Klemm, Herman A.
Klemm, Mary K.
Klemm, Richard H.
Knecht, Rolland E.
Knecht, Vernetta M.
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Theiler, Elise
Theiler, Emma
Theiler, Frederick
Theiler, Rick Allen
Theiler, William Sr.
Trachsel, Fred J.
Trachsel, Jacob
Trachsel, Mildred M.
Trachsel, Rosette
Tracy, Lula May
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Berrett, Beverly (Engagement - May 1961)
Bio: Hoehne, Carl C. (Man of the Year - 1961)
Bio: Hoehne, Jeffrey P. (UW Madison Graduate - 1961)
Bio: Klune - Family Reunion (1961)
Bio: McKenna Thomas Michael - Ordained (1961)
Bio: Staut, John (Scholarship - 1961)
Bio: Turnquist, Hilda M. (North Central Airlines - 1961)
Church: Greenwood - Our Savior's (Confirmation - 1961)
Church: Longwood - Emmanuel Lutheran (Confirmation - 1961)
Obit: Kolbeck, Jayne M. (1935 - 2016)
Obit: Raatz, Louella C. "Lou" (1943 - 2016)
School: Greenwood H.S. (75th Alumni Banquet - 2016)
School: Greenwood - St. Mary's School Graduation (1961)
26 Jul 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
News: Neillsville - Highground Persian Gulf Tribute (Jul 2016)
Updated Record from Draper Family
Bio: Draper, Fred W.
Article provided by Kim Hanson
Bio: Page, David (Born 1 May 1856)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Obit: Borchardt, Charlotte M. (1914 - 2007)
Obit: Borchardt, Esther J. (1910 - 2005)
Obit: Borchardt, Evelyn E. (1955 - 2007)
Obit: Borchardt, Lauretta Mathilda (1910 - 2006)
Obit: Dassow, Robert J. Jr. (1955 - 2016)
Obit: Fricke, Rochelle M. (1935 - 2016)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Paul
Gosse, Emma
Grambort, Friedrich
Grambort, Henry A.
Grambort, Sophie L.
Hertz, Minnie A. K.
Janke, Bertha
Johnson, Elsie
Johnson, Frederick
Johnson, Harold
Kalepp, Donald W. - Military
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Stuve, Nina Irene
Stuve, Ralph Martin - Military
Stuve, Raymond Jenkins
Stuve, Raymond Jenkins - Military
Terrell, Ella T.
Terrell, Hugh A.
Tesmer, Raymond F.
Tesmer, Winifred B.
Theiler, Anna
Theiler, Fred Jr.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Horn, Jerome (Radio Announcer - 1961)
Bio: Irvine, Jacqueline Ann (Engagement - Apr 1961)
Bio: Kesler, Alicia Ann (Baptism - 23 Apr 1961)
Bio: Meinholdt, Jo Ann (Recipe Prize - 1961)
Bio: Noeldner, Barbara (Three Generation Picture - 2016)
Bio: Pakiz, Larry (Spelling Champ - 1961)
Obit: Groselj, Frank (1875 - 1961)
Obit: Regan, Della Mary (1893 - 1961)
Obit: Telford, Donald Clifford (1929 - 2016)
School: Greenwood H.S. - 11 Honors Graduates (1961)
School: Greenwood H.S. - Badger Boys/Girls State Reps (1961)
School: Greenwood H.S. - Prom Royalty (1961)
25 Jul 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Schreiner, L.- Honored (Korean Stone Ceremony - 2016)
News: Neillsville Highground (Welcome Home Ceremony - 2016)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Lueth, Sara (High Honors - 2016)
Bio: Maki, Jennifer (High Honors - 2016)
Bio: Reis, AnnaMarie (Honors - 2016)
Bio: Schraufnagel, Emily (Academic Honors - 2016)
Bio: Thomas, Tana (Academic Honors - 2016)
Obit: Greunke, Dorothy Lucille #2 (1923 - 2016)
Obit: Mast, Eli L. #2 (1945 - 2016)
Obit: Olson, Orlando L. #2 (1929 - 2016)
Obit: Schraufnagel, Cletus A. #2 (1918 - 2016)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Paul
Fakes, Gerhard
Fakes, Selma
Galles, Louise P.
Glenzer, Hattie L.
Glenzer, Johann G.
Glenzer, Justus
Glenzer, Reuben P.
Glenzer, Richard C.
Glenzer, Richard A. E.
Glenzer, Wilhelm
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Stuve, Beatrice Elizabeth
Stuve Earl Ulysses
Stuve, Emma Sarah Lydia
Stuve, Franklin Howell
Stuve, Hans Hovel
Stuve, Howell Archie
Stuve, John Ivan
Stuve, Mabel Elizabeth
Stuve, Manley Gilbert
Stuve, Martin Virgil Fern
Special Post by Ellen Johnson
Clark County Marriages from July 1873 - March 1875
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Births - St. Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield (Mar 1961)
Bio: Buker, Cy (Receive Volleyball Honors - 1961)
Bio: Hendrickson, Ronald - Land O' Lakes Annual Mtg. (1961)
Bio: Herdrick, Son of Mr./Mrs. Wayne (Birth - 15 Mar 1961)
Bio: Jackson, Joanne (Engagement - Mar 1961)
Bio: Jurceka, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Miles (Birth - 11 Mar 1961)
Bio: Rondorf, Son of Mr./Mrs. Dick (Birth - 11 Mar 1961)
Bio: Schendel, Jon - Land O' Lakes Annual Mtg. (1961)
Bio: Turnquist, Son of Mr./Mrs. Arlyn (Birth - 26 Mar 1961)
Bio: Zickert, Marty Jr. (Baseball Spring Training - 1961)
Obit: Schecklman, Jacelyn J. (1942 - 2016)
Obit: Theisen, Ethelyn (1919 - 2016)
22 Jul 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 16 Mar 2016
Bio: Hansen, Hazel (Public Library Donation - 2006)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Bach, Makala (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Calmes, Lyddia (Academic Honors - 2016)
Bio: Ceniceros, Edgar (Honors - 2016)
Bio: Haas, Micaela (Highest Honors - 2016)
Bio: Hayes, Sierra (Engagement - 2016)
Bio: Jensen, Kenna (Highest Honors - 2016)
Obit: Arndt, John A. (1973 - 2016)
Obit: Fritsche, Kathleen L. (1921 - 2016)
Obit: Greunke, Dennis (1953 - 2013)
Article provided by Dean Lesar - TRG Editor
News: Greenwood - Grassland Dairy Operation (2016)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Paul
Ebert, Dorthea Louise
Ebert, Lena
Ebert, Oscar
Ebert, Wilhelm
Ebert, William Friedrich
Edblom, Eleanor C.
Fakes, Family Stone
Fakes, Arthur
Fakes, Carl F. "Father"
Fakes, Esther
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Stevens, Daisy G.
Stevens, Erma Kaye
Stevens, Harry W.
Stevens, J.
Stevens, Jennie F.
Stevens, Louis
Stevens, Mary A.
Stevens, Rose
Stiles, Stella L.
Stuve, Family Stone
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Ampe, Ardis (Eau Claire Modeling Contest - 1961)
Bio: Births - St. Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield (Feb 1961)
Bio: Klune, Michael Edward (Birth - Feb 1961)
Bio: Krupa, Sharon (Engagement - Mar 1961)
Bio: Neuenfeldt, Dennis (St. Norbert's Dean's List - 1961)
Bio: Sowieja, Son of Mr./Mrs. James (Birth - 5 Feb 1961)
Bio: Telford, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Don (Birth - 23 Feb 1961)
BioA: McKenna, Mr./Mrs. A.M. (Gold - 1961)
BioM: Kille, Mary (1961)
News: Greenwood (04 Aug 1932)
BioM: Staut, Mary Anne (1964) - Picture Added
Obit: Campbell, Mabel (1885? - 1961)
21 Jul 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Burzynski, Avanah Ann Rose (Birth - 2016)
Bio: Haas, Brinley Mae (Birth - 2016)
News: Thorp Area - Campus Highlights (Graduates - 2016)
Obit: Moore, Florence J. "Flo" (1925 - 2016)
Obit: Mortensen, Lon L. (1937 - 2016)
School: Thorp Alumni (42nd Annual Reunion - 2016)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Obit: Gengler, Thomas W. Sr. (1952 - 2016)
Obit: McGary, Mildred C. (1919 - 2016)
Obit: Paur, Abbie L. (1928 - 2016)
Obit: Rauen, Joseph F. (1920 - 2005)
Obit: Rauen, Marie L. (1914 - 2012)
Obit: Rauen, Patrick G. (1936 - 2007)
Obit: Shore, James Leslie (1954 - 2016)
Obit: Voss, Lannie G. (1932 - 2016)
Obit: Zuther, Donald R. (1937 - 2016)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Paul
Augustin, Fred
Augustin, Johann
Augustin, John. W.
Augustin, Martha "Mrs. John"
Augustin, Sophia
Buss, Herman
Buss, Louise
Dethlefsen, Christian
Dietrich, Robert F.
Ebert, Carl R.
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Stanley, Henry N.
Stanley, Norman H.
Stanley, Oviedga I.
Stanley, Rosa B.
Stanley, Willard H.
Stanton, Estella
Stanton, Jacob
Stanton, Rosanne
Staves, Josephine Elizabeth
Staves, William Lee
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital, Neillsville (Jan 1961)
Bio: Buker, Constance (D.A.R. Award - 1961)
Bio: Celesnik, Gloria - Greenwood H.S. (Betty Crocker Award - 1961)
Bio: Fonstad, Clifton Jr. (Most Valuable Student Award - 1961)
Bio: Plautz, Michael (Youth Leadership Award - 1961)
Bio: Poppe, Son of Mr./Mrs. Dale (3 Jan 1961)
Bio: Richmond, William (75th Birthday - 22 Jan 1961)
BioA: Thiel, Mr./Mrs. Bruce (10th - 1961)
BioM: Noah, Mary Jane (1961)
Church: Greenwood - St. Mary's (First Communion - 1961)
20 Jul 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Channing,Harry - Honored at School Reunion (2016)
Obit: Counsell, Joan Marie (1936 - 2016)
Obit: Hinkelmann, Arden Erwin (1924 - 2016)
Obit: Lewis, Clara Louise #2 (1917 - 2016)
Obit: Miller, Helen Sonia (1935 - 2016)
Obit: Peterson, Jan Vernon (1948 - 2016)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Obit: Amacher, J. Mark (1938 - 2016)
Obit: Andryszcyk, Mary Blanch (1922 - 2016)
Obit: Blair, Lyle Errol (1940 - 2016)
Obit: Flora, Bethel Belle (1929 - 2016)
Obit: Frauenheim, Ruth M. #2 (1926 - 2014)
Obit: Hill, Edna #2 (1920 - 2016)
Obit: Oehmichen, Delores J. #2 (1934 - 2016)
Obit: Rauen, Mabel H. (1915 - 2012)
Obit: Thompson, Lauretta Jane (1925 - 2016)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Schraufnagel, Henry
Schraufnagel, Leonard
Schraufnagel, Mary
Schraufnagel, Mathilda
Schraufnagel, Norbert
Schulde, Lambert
Schuller, Maria
Sterzinger, George J.
Sterzinger, Magdalena
Sweeny, William A.
Velek, Barbara
Velek, John Sr.
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Sparkes, Archie Lee - Military
Sparkes, Henry A.
Sparkes, Lydia Jane "Lida"
Sparkes, Mae Edith
Spenger, Julia May Rice
Squire, George E.
Squire, George Ellsworth
Squire, Nina
Stallard, Bertha Marguerite
Stallard, Burton John
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Champa, Sylvester (Bemidji Graduate - 1959)
Bio: Dyre Family Reunion (May 1959)
Bio: Fravert, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. LeRoy (Birth - 30 May 1959)
Bio: Gabrovic, Janet (Salute to Summer - 1959)
Bio: Herr, William (State Farm Degree - 1959)
Bio: Jordan, William (State Farm Degree - 1959)
Bio: Lesar, Adeline Mae (Engagement - May 1959)
Bio: Urbanz, Gwendolyn (Stout Graduate - 1959)
BioM: Hinze, Lois (1959)
Church: Greenwood St. Mary's (First Communion - 1959)
19 Jul 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Noah Family Reunion (2016)
Bio: Pischer, Ryan Michael (Baptism - 2016)
BioA: Cook, Mr. and Mrs. William “Bill” (60th - 2016)
News: Clark Co. - College Notes (Spring - 2016)
Obit: Dopp, Arvid Dale (1934 - 2016)
Obit: Paschall, Gail L. (1949 - 2016)
Obit: Schecklman, Jacelyn J. #2 (1942 - 2016)
New Wedding photo provided by Catherine Cantu
BioM: Mahonka, Josephine/Letvinuck, Fred (1915)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Orth, Sabrina (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Underwood, Nathaniel (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Viegut, Addison Lynne (Birth - 2016)
Bio: Viergutz, Megan (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Wolf, Brandon (Graduation - 2016)
News: Colby (13-29 Bypass - 1969)
Obit: Mallo, Beatrice Irene (1916 - 2010)
Obit: Mann, Florence Marcella (1928 - 2016)
Obit: Ortlieb, Donald J. (1929 - 2016)
Obit: Westaby, Kenneth R. (1940 - 2010)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Rischel, Joseph
Rischel, Maby
Rueden, August L.
Schmitt, Family Stone
Schmitt, Johanna
Schmitt, Katherine
Schmitt, Louise
Schmitt, Peter
Schmitt, Sophia
Schmitt, Susanna
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Sitenga, Albert G.
Sitenga, Nina E.
Smith, Edith D.
Smith, John T.
Smith, Mattie Emelia
Smith, Meldrum "Mel"
Smith, Steven D.
Smith, Walter William
Sparkes, Anna H.
Sparkes, Archie L.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Ampe, Frieda (76th Birthday - 15 Jan 1961)
Bio: Berrett, James R. (Univ. of Wis. Honors - 1961)
Bio: Krom, Harold (Drug Store Remodeled - 1960)
Bio: Mayenschein, Marlys Rae (Engagement - Dec 1960)
Bio: Peterson, Jo Ann Carol (Engagement - Dec 1960)
Bio: Stewart, Keith (Promoted to M/Sgt. - 1961)
Obit: Oehmichen, Delores J. (1934 - 2016)
Obit: Olson, Orlando L. "Ole" (1929 - 2016)
Obit: Peters, Robert (1960 - 1960)
Obit: Schraufnagel, Cletus A. (1918 - 2016)
Obit: Warner, Lydia (1889 - 1960)
Obit: Wiebe, Evelyn (1916 - 1960)
School: Greenwood H.S. - A Short History (1893 - 1960)
18 Jul 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
News: Clark Co. Students (Dean’s Lists and Scholarships - 2016)
Obit: Garbisch, Orville Raymond #2 (1942 - 2016)
Obit: Manthe, Sylvia Helen #2 (1922 - 2016)
Obit: Newman, Sandra D. (1944 - 2016)
Obit: Simpson, Donald D. #3 (? - 2016)
Obit: Struensee, Daniel Stuart (1963 - 2016)
New Record posted by Stan Schwarze/provided by James Sternitzky
Obit: Lewis, Clara Louise (1917 - 2016)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Bednar, Ellen (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Beyer, Amanda (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Binning, Kelly (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Bolstad, Lowell (Interim Pastor - 2016)
Bio: Bridenhagen, Maverick Jax (Birth - 2016)
Bio: Haas, Micaela (Graduation - 2016)
Bio: Kaiser, Laura Beth (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Kanneberg, Danica (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Kolar, Krista (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Kunze, Brenda (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Melvin-Rood, James (Birth - 2016)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Meyer, Richard S.
Miller, Hildegard
Morrow, Joseph
Mueller, Family Stone
Mueller, Anna
Mueller, Bertha
Mueller, Math, Jr.
Mueller, Matthias
Nelson, Infant
Rischel, Family Stone
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Simons, Family Stone
Simons, Arthur F.
Simons, Edith A.
Simons, Emma
Simons, Frederick J.
Simons, Martha M.
Sischo, Lillie E.
Sischo, Richard Ernest
Sischo, Richard Ernest - Military
Smith, Emma
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bertz, Daniel Charles (Birth - 16 Jan 1971)
Bio: Brock, Lori Ann (Baptism - 17 Jan 1971)
Bio: Orns, Michael Paul (Birth - 18 Jan 1971)
News: Greenwood - Business Enterprises ( 1870 - )
Obit: Dahlby, E. Lavern "Vern" (1923 - 2016)
Obit: Djubenski, Katherine (1883 - 1971)
Obit: Hill, Edna A. (1920 - 2016)
Obit: Kanneberg, Alfred E. (1898 - 1971)
Obit: Kronberger, John L. (1885 - 1971)
Obit: Mohan, Archie (1902 - 1971)
Obit: Wesenberg, Fred (1907 - 1971)
Obit: Westbay, Philenus Leander #3 (1897 - 1971)
01 Jul 2016
New Record posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 09 Mar 2016
New Record posted by Dolores Kenyon/provided by Al Hodnett
News: Owen - Woodland Hotel (Joins National Registry - 2016)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Obit: Carlson, Lester E. (1925 - 2016)
Obit: Howsden, Louisa M. (1925 - 2016)
Obit: Pawlowski, Eleanor V. (1922 - 2004)
Obit: Pawlowski, Florian A. (1916 - 2005)
Obit: Tytor, Neal H. #2 (1947 - 2016)
Obit: Volk, Daniel "Dan" J. #2 (1959 - 2016)
Obit: Wanish, Daniel John (1948 - 2016)
Obit: Ziembo, LeRoy (1938 - 2016)
Obit: Zuniga-Badillo, Diego D. (1994 - 2016)
School: Colby St. Mary’s (8th Grade Graduation - 2016)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Heimes, George
Klumpyan, Bernard
Mackin, Owen
McMonagle, Family stone
McMonagle, Isabelle
McMonagle, Mary Ann
McMonagle, Timothy
McMonagle, William M.
Meyer, Benjamin
Meyer, Catherine
Meyer, Henry G.
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Stallard, Elizabeth
Stallard, John Thatcher
Stallard, John Thatcher - Military
Stanley, Family Stone
Stanley, Agnes
Stanley, Clarence
Stanley, Cora B.
Stanley, Gaylord F.
Stanley, George E.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Alexander, Marlene Elizabeth (Engagement - Jan 1971)
Bio: Horn, Gregory Thomas (Birth - 6 Jan 1971)
Bio: Lindner, Judith Ann (Engagement - Jan 1971)
Bio: O’Black, Elizabeth Irene (Birth - 15 Jan 1971)
Bio: Rohde, Jay Alan (Birth - 12 Jan 1971)
Bio: Schmidt, Charlotte Ann (Engagement - Jan 1971)
Bio: Sladich, Mary Joan (Eau Claire Graduate - 1971)
Bio: Volovsek, Kathleen M. #2 (Engagement - Jan 1971)
News: Greenwood - Business Enterprises (1872 - )
News: Unity (14 Jan 1971)
Obit: Garbisch, Orville R. (1942 - 2016)
Obit: Manthe, Sylvia H. "Tootsie" (1922 - 2016)
Obit: Mast, Eli L. (1945 - 2016)
Obit: Zuege, James E. (1933 - 2016)
30 Jun 2016
New Records posted by Pam Harders
Bio: Beil, Joseph (Birth - 23 Mar 1968)
Bio: Koch, Brenda Lou (Birth - 26 Mar 1968)
Bio: Krause, Jean Marie (Engagement - Mar 1968)
Bio: Lieders, Paul Robert (Baptism - 31 Mar 1968)
Bio: Luehrs, Christian (Birth - 21 Mar 1968)
Bio: Schreiber, Julie Ann (Birth - 26 Mar 1968)
Bio: Schreiber, Julie Ann/Lee Patrick (Baptism - 2 Apr 1968)
Bio: Seidel, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Larry (Birth - 21 Mar 1968)
Bio: Thieme, Nancy Marie (Birth - 23 Feb 1968)
Obit: Umlauft, Anna M. (1890 - 1968)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Obit: Franz, Marlen Edward (1933 - 2007)
Obit: Gosse, Junior Henry (1933 - 2016)
Obit: Heier, Helyn K. (1915 - 2016)
Obit: Lindow, Ronald L. (1938 - 2016)
Obit: Olson, Norman Andrew (1934 - 2016)
Obit: Pawlowski, Annabelle M. (1921 - 2016)
Obit: Pederson, Jeanette E. (1927 - 2016)
Obit: Schuh, Sylvia Ann (1961 - 2016)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Gierl, Frank
Gierl, George E.
Gierl, Louis
Gierl, Mary Ann
Harry, Family Stone
Harry, Albert
Harry, Alma
Harry, Frances
Harry, Peter
Harry, Peter Jr.
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Seliskar, Rochelle M.
Sheffer, Travis Arthur
Sherwin, Ethel Fern
Sherwin, Ira T.
Shirley, Levi H.
Shirley, Mabel M. (or Mable)
Short, Albert Walter
Short, Grace E.
Shramek, Edward L.
Shramek, Louis M.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bentzler, Michael James (Birth - 1 Jan 1971)
Bio: Brock, Lori Ann (Birth 29 Dec 1970)
Bio: Mechelke, Arlene Marie (Engagement - Jan 1971)
Bio: Smith, Sheila Kay (Engagement - Dec 1970)
BioA: Clouse, Mr./Mrs. Bernard (Silver - 1971)
BioA: Noah, Mr./Mrs. Emil (45th - 1970)
News: Loyal (07 Jan 1971)
News: Twenty-Six Road (07 Jan 1971)
News: York (14 Jan 1971)
Obit: McNeely, Keith (1925 - 1970)
29 Jun 2016
New Record posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Czarnik, Infant Son (Birth - 1974)
Bio: Hameloth, Judy Kay (Graduate - 1974)
Bio: Jake Family (Reunion - 1974)
BioA: Holt, Mr./Mrs. Albert (45th - 1974)
BioA: Selk, Mr./Mrs. Augie (Golden - 1974)
BioM: Brux, Janet Marie (1974)
BioM: Guest, Terri Ann (1974)
BioM: Hilber, Linda L. (1974)
BioM: Marriage Licenses (Jun 1974)
News: Clark Co. Historians (Colby Depot - 1974)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Pinter, Jade (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Rau, Dakota (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Witucki, Joseph Lee (Birth - 2016)
Bio: Woik, Hanah (Graduation - 2016)
Obit: Bix, Esther M. (1926 - 2016)
Obit: Brahmer, Kevin Gene (1952 - 2016)
Obit: Brenner, Isabelle P. #2 (1931 - 2016)
Obit: Dahl, Anna M. #2 (1932 - 2016)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Frane, Joseph
Frane, Kathrina
Frane, Peter Leon
Frane, Virginia Anna
Frane, William A.
Gauthier, Frank
Gierl Family Stone
Gierl, Anna F.
Gierl, Catharine
Gierl, Frank X.
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Schumacher, Edith
Schumacher, Esther
Schumacher, John
Schumacher, Mary (Maria)
Schumacher, Nanna Christine
Schwarz, Ethel Mae
Schwarz, Flora M.
Schwarz, Robert E.
Schwarz, Samuel G.
Seelow, Arnold F. - Military
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Hempel, Son of Mr./Mrs. Jeffrey (Birth - 11 Dec 1970)
Bio: Marden, Michelle (Baptism - 3 Jan 1971)
Bio: Mayenschein, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Leland (Birth - 21 Dec 1970)
Bio: Nozar, Carol Ann #1 (Engagement - Dec 1970)
Bio: Pernsteiner, Jill Mary (Baptism - 20 Dec 1970)
Bio: Schwarze, Steven Roger (Birth - 20 Dec 1970)
Bio: Wilke, Anthony Paul (Baptism - 26 Dec 1970)
BioA: Kauffman, Mr./Mrs. R.A. (Gold - 1970)
News: Romadka Road (07 Jan 1971)
News: York (07 Jan 1971)
28 Jun 2016
New Record posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
News: Neillsville Legion - New Officers (Jun 6 2016)
Obit: Maresch, Bruce Roger #2 (1927 - 2016)
Obit: Rogus, John Jr. (1932 - 2016)
School: Thorp H.S. Alumni (Annual Reunion - 2016)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Broeske, Shayla (Graduation - 2016)
Bio: Graun, Tabitha (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Guy, Heather (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Kunze, Luke (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Lavin, Amy (Dean’s List - 2016)
News: Abbotsford (13-29 Drive-In - 1969)
News: Abbotsford (Area Storms - 1976)
Obit: Anderson, Mary Katherine (1955 - 2016)
Obit: Dominiak, Stanley Anthony (1919 - 2016)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Bast, Margaret
Chris, Alexander
Chris, Charles B.
Chris, Edmund
Chris, Mary Magdalene
Demmer, Joseph
Fleischman, Heinrich H.
Frane, Family Stone
Frane, Alix
Frane, Joseph
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Scholze, Bonnie J.
Scholze, Clara
Scholze, Edwin A.
Scholze, Elizabeth
Scholze, Leone M.
Scholze, Louis C.
Scholze, Theodore A.
Scholze, Theodore R
Schultz, Friderika
Schumacher, John Henry
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Alperstett, William (80th Birthday - Oct 1960)
Bio: Births - St. Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield (Sep 1960)
Bio: Frank, Deborah Ruth (Birth - 16 Sep 1960)
Bio: Fravert, Larry Dean #2 (Baptism - 25 Sep 1960)
Bio: Parks, Son of Mr./Mrs. Richard (Birth - 24 Sep 1960)
Bio: Podobnik, Mike Sr. (80th Birthday - 1960)
BioA: Wendt, Mr./Mrs. Adolph (Silver - 1960)
BioM: Kurtinaitis, Genevieve Loretta (1960)
BioM: Schwarze, Eileen (1960)
News: Greenwood Legion (Changing of the Guard - 2016)
News: Greenwood American Legion - Recognition (Jun 2016)
Obit: Enders, Anna (1885? - 1960)
27 Jun 2016
New Record posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Obit: Bishel, Harry R. (1942 - 2016)
Obit: Braatz, Jeanette R. (1922 - 2016)
Obit: Flicek, Alan #2 (1953 - 2016)
Obit: Holmes, Elaine (? - 2016)
Obit: Powers, Jennifer Margaret (1985 - 2016)
Obit: Votava, Vivian “Shorty” (1928 - 2016)
Correction for Greenwood H.S. Graduating Class of 1935 by Betty Comstock
1935 Graduating Class
New Records posted by Pam Harders
Bio: Gottschalk, Carol Louise (Engagement - Jun 1968)
Bio: Kittl, Joe (Injured in Vietnam - 1968)
Bio: Kulas, Vicki Lynn (Baptism - 17 Mar 1968)
Bio: Mohan, Lisa Rae (Birth - 13 Mar 1968)
Bio: Van Dreel, Anton (93rd Birthday - 1968)
Obit: Habeck, Phoebe A. (1914 - 1968)
Obit: Mueller, William (1896 - 1968)
Obit: Pickrell, Alma (1905 - 1968)
Obit: Reigel, Josephine (1882 - 1968)
Obit: Zwirchitz, Dennis (1947 - 1968)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby St. Mary's
Allar,Aller Family Stone
Allar, Amelia
Allar/Aller, Eva
Allar, Florence G.
Allar, Frank J.
Allar, George
Allar, John
Allar, Lawrence
Allar, Mathias
Apfelbeck, Family stone
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Schara, Albert C. - Military
Schenk, Family Stone
Schenk, Anna
Schenk, Elsie (Alice)
Schenk, Gottfried
Schenk, Max W.
Schenk, Theresa M.
Scherf, Mina A.
Schiesser, Gabriel
Schmidt, Friedricke
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Colby, Joan (Engagement - Sep 1960)
Bio: Gregorich, Thomas Dale (Birth - 10 Sep 1960)
Bio: Richmond - Family Picnic (Sep 1960)
Bio: Wendt, Geraldine (Cosmetologist License - 1960)
BioA: Seliskar Family Wedding Anniversaries (1960)
BioM: Irvine, Joan Audrey (1960)
Obit: Englebretson, Emil (1883 - 1960)
Obit: Scheuring, Frank W. (1881 - 1960)
School: Greenwood H.S. (Class Officers - 1960-61)
24 Jun 2016
Tribute - Making History by Transcribing History Written by Lori Johnson
Bio: Kenyon, Dolores (Mohr) - Making History by Transcribing History
New Record posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 09 Mar 2016
New Records posted by Pam Harders
Bio: Blunck, Brenda & Bradley (Birth - 4 Mar 1968)
Bio: Lenz, Lenore/Schuette, Shirley (Eau Claire Dean's List - 1963)
Bio: Lieders, Paul Robert (Birth - 6 Mar 1968)
Bio: Mantik, Patricia (Wood Co. Honor List - 1963)
Bio: Peterson, Shane Michael (Adoption - 6 Mar 1968)
Bio: Schuette, Shirley/Lenz, Lenore (Eau Claire Dean's List - 1963)
Bio: Umhoefer, Phillip G. (Whitewater Dean's List - 1963)
Obit: Brotherton, Alvin (1886 - 1968)
Obit: Ehrenreich, Ignatius F. (1900 - 1968)
Obit: Radlinger, Frank (1893 - 1968)
Obit: Zurow, Max J. (1893 - 1968)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby Memorial
Yahr, Family Stone
Yahr, Anna
Yahr, Ernestine
Yahr, Mayme
Yahr, William
Yelke, Family Stone
Yelke, Caroline A.
Yelke, Friedrich W.
Zillgett, Carl
Zinke, Mata M.
Zinke, Richard F.
Zugier, Lucille A.
Zulke, Myron
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Rupnow, Family
Rupnow, Fred
Rupnow, Jody Lynn
Rupnow, Lydia
Rupnow, Nellie M.
Rupnow, Tony Ray
Sagstetter, Betty Lou
Schappe, Dorthy L.
Schara, Albert C.
Schara, Bessie L.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Albert, Joyce (Scholarship - 1960)
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital, Neillsville (Aug 1960)
Bio: Births - St. Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield (Aug 1960)
Bio: Births - St. Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield (Aug 1960)
Bio: Daines, James R. (Master's Degree - 1960)
Bio: Jackson, Joanne (Nursing Graduate - 1960)
Bio: Lindner, Pat (Nursing Graduate - 1960)
Bio: Thwing, Coleen Ruby (Birth - 12 Aug 1960)
BioM: Syth, Rita Raye (1960)
Obit: Bergemann, Otillia (1883 - 1960)
Obit: Greunke, Dorothy L. (1923 - 2016)
Obit: Maresch, Bruce R. (1927 - 2016)
Obit: Mellenthin, Lois (1930 - 2016)
Obit: Noah, James E. (1938 - 2016)
Obit: Seeman, Marvin W. (1915 - 2016)
Obit: Zuehlke, George F. Jr. (1928 - 2016)
23 Jun 2016
New Records posted by Ronald Olson
Bio: Ampe, Jason John (Baptism - 24 Jan 1971)
Bio: Becker, Harold R. (Promoted to Sergeant - 1971)
Bio: Brux, Judy (To Study in London - 1971)
Bio: Kowalczyk, Susan (Betty Crocker Award - 1971)
Bio: Krause, Patsy (Eau Claire Graduate - 1971)
BioM: Bushman, Rita Rosemary (1971)
News: Greenwood - Freak Car Accident (Jan 1971)
News: Unity (28 Jan 1971)
News: York (28 Jan 1971)
Obit: Sandley, Frank A. (1899 - 1971)
New Records posted by Pam Harders
Bio: Busse, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Arlan (Birth - 3 Mar 1968)
Bio: Hiebl, Loreen Ann (Birth - 20 Feb 1968)
Bio: Kulas, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Ted (Birth - 4 Mar 1968)
Bio: Lenz, Deborah Colleen (Birth - 24 Feb 1968)
Bio: Schauer, Brian Scott (Birth - 20 Feb 1968)
Bio: Schmirler, Gregory James (Birth - 23 Feb 1968)
Bio: Talcott, Julie Marie (Baptism - 3 Mar 1968)
BioA: Frome, Mr./Mrs. Wesley (Silver - 1968)
BioM: Zettler, Susan D. (1968)
Obit: Foster, Anita (1919 - 1968)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby Memorial
Vorland, Pearl
Walker, William L.
Wescott, Clara
Wescott, Harry
Wolfe, Verlyn Douglas - Military
Wood, Ethel
Worden, Laura M
Wurthmann, Edith A.
Wurthmann, John
Wurthmann, Walter
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Rosolack, Adolph
Rosolack, Minnie
Rundle, Ada
Rundle, Addy
Rundle, Henry T.
Rundle, Henry T. - Military
Rupnow, Charles George
Rupnow, Charles F.
Rupnow, Charles F. - Military
Rupnow, Gloria J.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Beranek, Suzanne Marie (Engagement - Aug 1960)
Bio: Braatz, Virginia (Nursing Graduate - 1960)
Bio: Kitzhaber - Family Reunion (1960)
Bio: Klune, Michell Joseph (Baptism - 14 Aug 1960)
Bio: Krultz, Donna (Marquette Graduate - 1960)
Bio: Zickert, Marty (Silver -Slugger Team - 1960)
BioM: Millenkamp, Janet (1960)
BioM: Scherr, Rometta (1960)
Obit: Ellingson, Suzanne Lee (1960 - 1960)
Obit: Gullord, Peter William (1878 - 1960)
22 Jun 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Zasacki, Margie (100th - 2016)
BioA: Piwoni, Mr./Mrs. Marvin (70th - 2016)
News: Thorp Area Campus Highlights (Dean’s Lists - 2016)
Obit: Buss, Dale E. (1963 - 2016)
Obit: Rabuck, Arthur Gaylord (1954 - 2016)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Bio: Duvall, Nicole (Engagement - 2016)
Bio: Garcia Duda, Sofia Consuelo (Birth - 2016)
Bio: Lueddecke, Johanna Mae (Birth - 2016)
Bio: Underwood, Evelynn Faith (Birth - 2016)
BioM: Viegut, Tayler Lyn (2016)
News: Abbotsford (Abby Drive In - 1954)
News: Abbotsford (Abby Packing Plant - 1954)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby Memorial
Thomas, Family Stone
Uhlig, Debra Kay
Uhlig, Diana Lynn
Vlcansky, Irene
Voelker, Adela
Voelker, Martha
Voelker, William
Vorland, Family Stone
Vorland, Gorton T.
Vorland, Gorton T. - Military
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Robinson, Lester S.
Robinson, Willie E.
Rosolack, Arlie
Rosolack, August B.
Rosolack, Minnie
Rosolack, William M.
Rossolack, Frank Frederick
Rundle, Ada Johnson
Rundle, Addy
Rundle, Henry T.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Braun, Allan (Dunwoody Institute Graduate - 1960)
Bio: Nichols, Deborah Jeanne (Birth - 14 Jun 1960)
Bio: Pernic, Robert J. (Milwaukee School of Eng. Graduate - 1960)
Bio: Rivett, Elizabeth Ann (Engagement - Jul 1960)
BioM: Stewart, Helen Jeanette (1960)
Church: Greenwood - Grace Methodist (New Pastor - 1960)
Church: Greenwood - Our Savior's Lutheran (New Pastor - 1960)
Obit: Kocher, Laura (1886 - 1960)
Obit: Niechlanski, Lillian (1907 - 1960)
Obit: Prust, Mark Leonard (1960 - 1960)
21 Jun 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Herdrich, Renee M. (WSTF Scholarship - 2016)
News: Clark Co. - CVTC Scholarships (2016)
Obit: Flicek, Alan (1953 - 2016)
Obit: Reil, Joan A. (? - 2016)
Obit: Simpson, Donald D. #1 (1949 - 2016)
Obit: Simpson, Donald D. #2 (1949 - 2016)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: Levis (6 Feb 1919)
News: Neillsville (6 Feb 1919)
News: Neillsville (6 Feb 1919)
News: East Pine Valley (6 Feb 1919)
News: South Pine Valley (6 Feb 1919)
News: South Pine Valley (6 Feb 1919)
News: Tioga (6 Feb 1919)
News: North York (6 Feb 1919)
News: York Center (6 Feb 1919)
Obit: Niles, Ira Anthony #2 (1850 - 1919)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby Memorial
Soderbeck, Beryl E.
Soderbeck, Ivar R.
Sonnemann, Herbert
Sorenson, Arthur Andrew
Sorenson, Ivy E.
Spann, Christian
Spann, Minnie
Strathmann, Hildur
Strebe, Winnifred
Swan, Alfred
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Ray, Virginia L.
Raymond, Aloise F.
Raymond, Mary M.
Rhyner, Emma
Rhyner, Werner
Rice, Baby
Rice, Nathan Ballow
Rieder, Emma
Rieder, Robert Sr.
Robinson, Jennifer Leigh
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Brux, Gary (St. Norbert's Graduate - 1960)
Bio: Caliebe, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. Earl (Birth - 28 May 1960)
Bio: Gregorich, John (River Falls Graduate (1960)
Bio: Hempel, Son of Mr./Mrs. Paul (Birth - 27 May 1960)
Bio: Rohde, Gary (River Falls Graduate (1960)
Bio: Slemec, Jim (State Farmer Degree - 1960)
Bio: Snedic, James B. (Marquette Graduate - 1960)
Bio: Verhulst, Harold (Ordained into Ministry - 1960)
News: Greenwood - Museum Adds Hitoric Bathroom (2016)
Obit: Craig, Martha (? - 1960)
School: Greenwood H.S. Class of 1935 (25 Year Reunion - 1960)
20 Jun 2016
New Records posted by Pam Harders
Bio: Frome, Linda Kay (Birth - 14 Mar 1968)
Bio: Klinkhammer, John David (Birth 14 Mar 1968)
Bio: Kramas, Ronald Valentine (Birth - 9 Mar 1968)
Bio: Polzin, Douglas Lee (Birth - 14 Mar 1968)
Bio: Schraufnagel, Michael Scott (Birth - 15 Mar 1968)
Bio: Uhlig, James Jo (Birth - 24 Feb 1968)
BioM: Schiferl, Betty (1968)
Obit: Habeck, Oscar (1883 - 1968)
Obit: Shelley, Violet (1883 - 1968)
Obit: Untiedt, Otto (1910 - 1968)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
BioM: Stelloh, Clara #2 (5 Feb 1919)
BioM: Stockwell, Ethel #2 (5 Feb 1919)
News: Chili (6 Feb 1919)
News: Christie (6 Feb 1919)
News: Dells Dam (6 Feb 1919)
News: West Eaton (6 Feb 1919)
News: Fremont (6 Feb 1919)
News: Globe (6 Feb 1919)
News: Hewett (6 Feb 1919)
News: Janesville Settlement (6 Feb 1919)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby Memorial
Reyer, William C.
Rodenburg, Fred
Schmidt, Mathias
Schmidt, Remona
Schmidt, Rosena Carolina
Schoelzel, DuWayne - Military
Schoelzel, James
Schoelzel, Linda
Schoelzel, Olivia H.
Schoelzel, Rudolph A.
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Putman, Russell H.
Putman, Velva
Putman, Voleny James
Rand, Wil...?
Ray, Family Stone
Ray, Earl J.
Ray, Gerald J.
Ray, John F.
Ray, Margaret L. "Maggie"
Ray, Mary E.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Degenhardt, Annette Francel (Baptism - 13 Dec 1970)
Bio: Hardrath, Luanne Marie (Engagement - Dec 1970)
Bio: Meyers, Joan (Engagement - Dec 1970)
Bio: Stange, Deena Sue (Birth - 10 Dec 1970)
Bio: Stern, Linda (Engagement - Dec 1970)
Bio: Vollrath, Beth Ann ( Birth - 10 Dec 1970)
BioM: Carl, Marjorie Ann (1958)
BioM: Marten, Deborah Elise (1970)
Obit: Garbisch, Frederick Sr. #2 (1913 - 1970)
Obit: Syth, Ione #2 (1921? - . 1970)
17 Jun 2016
New Record posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 02 Mar 2016
New Record posted by Vicki Sluzewski
BioM: Cichocki, Emma (1929)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: Neillsville (27 Feb 1919)
News: East Pine Valley (27 Feb 1919)
News: North Pine Valley (27 Feb 1919)
News: Pleasant Ridge (27 Feb 1919)
News: Seif (20 Feb 1919)
News: Seif (27 Feb 1919)
News: West Shortville (20 Feb 1919)
News: West Shortville (27 Feb 1919)
News: East Weston (27 Feb 1919)
News: Southeast Weston (27 Feb 1919)
News: Willard (20 Feb 1919)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby Memorial
Reil, Family Stone
Reil, Hilda Mary
Reil, John
Reil, Joseph
Reil, Wilhelmine
Reis, Charles E.
Reis, Myrtle L.
Reyer, Family Stone
Reyer, Edward G.
Reyer, Olive
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Presher, Vesta C.
Primus, Clara M.
Primus, John M.
Putman, Amanda P.
Putman, Anna T.
Putman, Clara Maude
Putman, Ernest Wesley
Putman, John S.
Putman, Joseph - Military
Putman, Melvin Edwin
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Behrens, Twins of Mr./Mrs. Douglas (Birth - 11 May 1960)
Bio: Corey, Son of Mr./Mrs. Gary (Birth - 13 May 1960)
Bio: Nulton, Rev. Mrs. (Retirement - 27 May 1960)
Bio: Prust, Son of Mr./Mrs. Harold (Birth - 9 May 1960)
Bio: Scherer, Nancy (Engagement - May 1960)
Bio: Speich, Thomas Charles (Baptism - 15 May 1960)
Bio: Turnquist, James (River Falls Graduate - 1960)
Obit: Dahl, Anna M. (1932 - 2016)
Obit: Hribar, Anna (1885 - 1927)
Obit: Hribar, Frank (1882 - 1932)
Obit: Pentz, Erik N. (1975 - 2016)
Obit: Schmitt, James P. (1954 - 2016)
School: Greenwood H.S. - Reps to Badger Girls/Boys State (1960)
16 Jun 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
News: Neillsville - Local CVTC Grads (2016)
News: Thorp Area - Campus Highlights (Dean’s Lists - 2016)
News: Thorp Area - Campus Highlights (Grads - 2016)
Obit: LaBonte, Rebecca “Becky” #2 (1943 - 2016)
Obit: Volk, Daniel J. “Dan” (1959 - 2016)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Trepton, Fred (Bound Over to Circuit Court - 24 Feb 1919)
News: Chili (27 Feb 1919)
News: Christie (27 Feb 1919)
News: West Eaton (27 Feb 1919)
News: Fremont (27 Feb 1919)
News: Globe (27 Feb 1919)
News: North Grant (27 Feb 1919)
News: Hewett (27 Feb 1919)
News: Janesville Settlement (27 Feb 1919)
News: Levis (27 Feb 1919)
News: Neillsville (27 Feb 1919)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby Memorial
Parkhill, Elmer P.
Parkhill, Elsworth
Parkhill, Forest
Parkhill, James E.
Parkhill, Maude E.
Parkhill, Victoria
Parkhill, William L.
Perschke, Ernest C.
Pier, Ora Fred
Pinney, Harriet
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Pierce, Baby
Pierce, Baby
Pierce, Guy Thomas
Pierce, Guy Thomas - Military
Pierce, Henry G. - Military
Pierce, Unita B.
Polege, Rosa
Polege, Theodore
Preisig, Ernest
Presher, Sidney Richard - Military
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Births - St. Joseph's Hospital, Marshfield (May 1960)
Bio: Englebretson, Judy - Summer Sweetheart (1960)
Bio: Fuerst, Bernice (Engagement - May 1960)
Bio: Lindner, Karen (Beauty Culture Graduate - 1960)
Bio: Sladich, Ann Margaret (Baptism - 15 May 1960)
Bio: Speich, Thomas Charles (Birth - 5 May 1960)
Bio: Steele, Thomas (Eau Claire Dean's List - 1960)
BioA: Geisler, Mr./Mrs. Adolph (Gold - 1960)
BioA: Walter, Mr./Mrs. Joseph (Gold - 1960)
School: Greenwood - St. Mary's Graduation (1960)
15 Jun 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
News: Clark County - College Notes (Jun 2016)
Obit: Acheson, Helen F. #2 (1917 - 2016)
Obit: Fitzmaurice, Gary Lee (1952 - 2016)
Obit: Haight, Debra Jean (1956 - 2016)
Obit: Lindeman, Frederick Lee (1940 - 2016)
Obit: Tibbetts, Robert L. (1923 - 2016)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: Levis (13 Feb 1919)
News: Neillsville (20 Feb 1919)
News: Neillsville (20 Feb 1919)
News: East Pine Valley (13 Feb 1919)
News: Seif (13 Feb 1919)
News: Tioga (13 Feb 1919)
News: East Weston (Panther Creek) (20 Feb 1919)
News: Southeast Weston (13 Feb 1919)
Obit: Carl, Herman #2 (1864 - 1919)
Obit: Luck, Sophia #2 (1833 - 1919)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby Memorial
Olson, Edna
Olson, Laurence Peter
Ortmeier, Evelyn (Baby)
Ortmeier, Henry A.
Ortmeier, Lillian (Baby)
Ortmeier, Milda
Ortmeier, Sylvia (Baby)
Parkhill, Family Stone
Parkhill, Eli T.
Parkhill, Eli T. - Military
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Phillips, Clarence
Phillips, Olive
Phillips, Rhoda
Phillips, Ruby M.
Phillips, Sylvester
Phillips, William C. Sr.
Phillips, William L.
Pierce, Anna M.
Pierce, Archie
Pierce, Daniel E.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Dyre, DeVonne (Engagement - Mar 1960)
Bio: Hendrickson, Brian Allen (Baptism - 24 Apr 1960)
Bio: Krei, Theodore (Naval School Graduate - 1960)
Bio: Millenkamp, Janet Ann (Engagement - Apr 1960)
Bio: Schwarze, Eileen (Engagement - Mar 1960)
Bio: Urbanz, Isabel (Stout Dean's List - 1960)
Bio: Verschay, Jean Marie (Baptism - 24 Apr 1960)
BioM: Jolivette, Ilene (1960)
School: Greenwood - Rural Spelling Winners (1960)
School: Greenwood H.S. Prom (1960)
14 Jun 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Johnson, Shawn Lynn (Baptism - 9 Jun 1974)
Bio: Mills, Donald C. (Named to Hospital St. Paul, MN - 1974)
BioM: Dolon, Melecia Balat (1974)
BioM: Erickson, Donna Eileen (1974)
BioM: Joyce, Dawn (1974)
Obit: Babler, Dr. Bernard (1914 - 1974)
Obit: Bergemann, Gustave H. #3 (1881 - 1974)
Obit: Lehto, Catherine Cecelia #2 (1911 - 1974)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Jenks, Art (Killed in Creamery Explosion - 14 Feb 1919)
Bio: Trepton, Fred (Awaiting Court Hearing - 20 Feb 1919)
Bio: Vogel, Tom (Killed in Creamery Explosion - 14 Feb 1919)
News: Chili (20 Feb 1919)
News: Dells Dam (13 Feb 1919)
News: Dells Dam (20 Feb 1919)
News: West Eaton (20 Feb 1919)
News: Fremont (20 Feb 1919)
News: North Grant (13 Feb 1919)
News: Janesville Settlement (20 Feb 1919)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby Memorial
Myers, J. Willard
Myers, Jennie
Nagel, Heinrich
Nelson, Isaac
Nelson, Sharon
Neuhaus, Ervin Edwin - Military
Olson, Byron F.
Olson, Fred Andrew
Olson, Ruby F.
Olson, Sarah Emma
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Phillips, Ellen Louise
Phillips, Herbert D.
Phillips, John August Fredrich
Phillips, Leo L.
Phillips, Leonedas/Leandrus
Phillips, Louisa
Phillips, Maggie L.
Phillips, Marian L.
Phillips, Mary C.
Phillips, Ruth A.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bauer, Joseph Gerald (Baptism - 13 Dec 1970)
Bio: Births - St. Joseph’s Hospital, Marshfield (Dec 1970)
Bio: Doan, Bob (Home Fire - 5 Dec 1970)
Bio: Jasurda, Mary (75th Birthday - 1970)
Bio: Luepke, Dan Allen (Baptism - 6 Dec 1970)
Bio: Meacham, Melissa Sue (Birth - 4 Dec 1970)
Bio: Porter, Bonnie Jean (Engagement - Dec 1970)
BioA: Meinhardt, Mr./Mrs. Clarence (Silver - 1970)
News: Greenwood - Business Enterprises (1870 - )
Obit: McVean, Faith (1903 - 1970)
13 Jun 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Births - Memorial Hospital, Neillsville (Jun 1974)
BioA: Lehmann, William Mr./Mrs. #2 (Golden - 1974)
Obit: Bergemann, Gustave H. #2 (1881 - 1974)
Obit: Lehto, Catherine Cecelia (1911 - 1974)
Obit: Struensee, Irene J. #2 (1906 - 1974)
Obit: Thomson, Robert J. (1882 - 1974)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
News: Neillsville (13 Feb 1919)
News: North Pine Valley (6 Feb 1919)
News: North Pine Valley (13 Feb 1919)
News: Pleasant Ridge (6 Feb 1919)
News: Pleasant Ridge (13 Feb 1919)
News: West Shortville (6 Feb 1919)
News: York - Country Farm Corners (13 Feb 1919)
News: York - Country Farm Corners (13 Feb 1919)
Obit: Scoles, James #2 (1865 - 1919)
Obit: Zimmerman, Bertha (1852 - 1919)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby Memorial
Merwin, Ben Pierce
Merwin, Emilie E.
Merwin, Claude Ray
Meyer, Doris M.
Meyer, Heinrich
Meyer, Heinrich T.
Middlestedt, Betsy
Middlestedt, Lester E. - Military
Middlestedt, Sylvester
Myers, Marie
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Peterson, Ruth R.
Pettis, Violet M.
Pettis, Walter C.
Phillips, Charles August
Phillips, Clarence R. - Military
Phillips, Donald
Phillips, Effie
Phillips, George W.
Phillips, Harold L. - Military
Phillips, Kenneth M.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Brasier, Dana Barbara (Baptism - 29 Nov 1970)
Bio: Essex, Son of Mr./Mrs. Bill (Birth - Nov 1970)
Bio: Helm, Sandra Joan (Engagement - Nov 1970)
Bio: Hinker, Daughter of Mr./Mrs. James (Birth - 30 Nov 1970)
Bio: Orsburn, Rachel Louise (Engagement - Nov 1970)
Bio: Rayhorn, Robert Ralph (Birth - 27 Nov 1970)
BioA: Hills, Mr./Mrs. Alfred Sr. (40th - 1970)
News: Greenwood - Business Enterprises (1871 - )
News: York (03 Dec 1970)
Obit: Miller, Calvin (1891? - 1970)
10 Jun 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Good Old Days 24 Feb 2016
Bio: Genteman, Ed - Honored for Military Service (June - 2016)
Bio: Smith, Jerry - Honored for Military Service (June - 2016)
New Records posted by Ann Stevens
Bio: Burt, Mr./Mrs. H.W. (Family Illnesses - 13 Feb 1919)
Bio: Krueger, Leslie (Awaiting Trial - 13 Feb 1919)
Bio: Shanks, John (Found Sane - 9 Feb 1919)
BioM: Rouse, Josephine #2 (6 Feb 1919)
News: Chili (13 Feb 1919)
News: Christie (13 Feb 1919)
News: Fremont (13 Feb 1919)
News: Janesville Settlement (13 Feb 1919)
News: Neillsville -Sniteman Drug Store Damaged (7 Feb 1919)
News: Neillsville (13 Feb 1919)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby Memorial
Lueloff, Gertrude
Lueloff, Gottfried
Lueloff, Sophia
Lueloff, Ida Fredericka
Lueloff, Theodore
Martin, Rodney Lee
Mattick, Anton Ewald
Mattick, Henry A. - Military
Meier, Esther
Mertz, Mabel P.
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
O'Leary, William R.
Olson, Embert A.
Osborne, Azure
Osborne, Marion
Payson, Etta
Perry, Anna M.
Perry, Evelyn
Perry, George
Perry, Herbert S.
Perry, Thomas
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Campbell, Kathryn Jean (Birth - 28 Nov 1970)
Bio: Ellison, Denise Marie (Baptism - 15 Nov 1970)
Bio: Englebretson, Yvette Marie (Engagement - Nov 1970)
Bio: Graff, Stacey Marie (Baptism - 15 Nov 1970)
Bio: Oelhafen, Mr./Mrs. Jim (North Mound Owners - 1970)
News: Loyal - Northside Elevator Fire (Nov 1970)
News: Loyal (03 Dec 1970)
News: Twenty-Six Road (03 Dec 1970)
News: Unity (03 Dec 1970)
Obit: Brenner, Isabelle P. (1931 - 2016)
Obit: Kautzer, Delores L. (1942 - 2016)
Obit: LeGault, Dr. George (1888? - 1970)
09 Jun 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Dmytro, Barry (Dean’s List - 2016)
Bio: Pagel, Helen (95th Birthday- 2016)
Bio: Wisniewski, Abigail (Honors List - 2016)
Obit: Frese, Bernard John (1937 - 2016)
Obit: Pagel, Eleanor #2 (1945 - 2016)
Obit: Pagel, Ronald James (1934 - 2016)
School: Thorp - Tobola Educational Fund (Scholarships - 2016)
New Record posted by Jim Sternitzky/Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Martin, John & Joan (Farm Home Events - 2016)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
News: Abbotsford (13-29 Intersection - 1986)
Obit: Floyd, Carol J. (1948 - 2013)
Obit: Huebsch, Irvin (1925 - 2016)
Obit: Justice, Guy E. (1936 - 2012)
Obit: Stieber, Joyce (1925 - 2016)
School: Colby High School (Graduates - 2016)
Cemetery Photos provided by Kathy Englebretson
Colby Memorial
Larson, John Elmer
Lex, Earl N.
Lex, Elva I.
Lex, Erma Florence
Lindner, Louis Christ
Loskot, Emil Sr.
Loucks, Diane Leone
Lueloff, Family Stone
Lueloff, Fred C.
Lueloff, Ida
Cemetery Photos provided by Ellen Johnson
Mentor Township Cemetery
Nunnally, William R.
Nunnally, William R. - Military
O'Leary, Clara
O'Leary, Clara Viola
O'Leary, Emma
O'Leary, Mabel
O'Leary, Peter
O'Leary, Russell
O'Leary, Thomas
O'Leary, Wilson P.
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bourdeau, LaVonne (Engagement - Nov 1970)
Bio: Briski, Frank (River Falls Graduate - 1970)
Bio: Krause, Larry (Honored at St. Norbert’s 1970)
Bio: Petkovsek, Ed (Player of Week - 1970)
Bio: Pipkorn, Brian Keith (Baptism - 7 Nov 1970)
Bio: Volovsek, Wendy Lynn (Birth - Nov 9, 1970)
Church: Greenwood St. Mary’s (First Communion - 1970)
News: Twenty-Six Road (05 Apr 1970)
News: York (19 Nov 1970)
Obit: Daggy, Sadie K. (1906 - 1970)
08 Jun 2016
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Hayes, Jim (25 Yrs. Postal Service - 2016)
Bio: Scott, William L. - S-Sgt. (Service Notes - 1974)
BioM: Moh, Sally Ann (1974)
BioM: Schofield, Cathy Lynn (1974)
Obit: Stoss, Henry Jacob “Hank” (1939 - 2016)
Obit: Winter, Richard A. “Dick” #2 (1932 - 2016)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Obit: Bach, John J. (1945 - 2016)
Obit: Craig, Annette A. (1944 - 2007)
Obit: Jacobi, Lawrence R. (1916 - 2014)
Obit: Pocock, Geneva M. (1953 - 2016)
Obit: Ramm, Clarence O. (1923 - 2016)
Obit: Schneider, Betty Lou (1923 - 2016)