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Clark County, Wisconsin
2020 Archives
Home Page
Recent Updates
31 Jan 2020 |
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon |
Good Old Days 19 Sept 2018 |
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze |
Bio: Hutchins, Mr.
Stage Coach Horse Dies Enroute -1895 (Aug 1915) |
Bio: Vanderhoof, Jacob
Life Sketch (Aug 1915) |
Bio: Zimmerman, John
To Finish His Building 1895 (Jul 1915) |
BioA: Catlin, Mr./Mrs.
William (Silver 1915) |
BioA: Mengel, Mr./Mrs.
Will (20th 1895) |
BioM: Johnson, Eva
(1895) |
Church: Loyal New
Catholic Church 1895 (Jul 1915) |
News: Clark Co. Old
Settlers Picnic (Sep 1915) |
News: Loyal Creamery
Doing Well 1895 (Jul 1915) |
Obit: Brecht, Bruce
(1955 2020) |
Obit: Hendrickson,
Donald D. (1932 2020) |
Obit: Rehberg, Alva
E. Al (1931 2019) |
Obit: Vetter, Carrie
(1873 - 1894) |
Cemetery Updates/Additions |
Greenwood St. Mary's |
- Suda, Charles J. |
Marathon Co. - Spencer Trinity: |
T - Toltzman, Demer O. |
30 Jan 2020
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Hanson, Olivia
(Deans List - 2019)
Bio: Kramer, Jenner
(Master Degree - 2019)
Bio: Scholze, Cameron
(Scholarship - 2019)
News: Neillsville
- Am. Legion to Recognize Craig Blum (Jan 2020)
News: Neillsville
- Am. Legion to Recognize Richard Hagen (Jan 2020)
Obit: Beyer, Robert
R.(1925 - 2019)
Obit: Tenseth, John
Lloyd (1944 - 2019)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Eschwig, Albert
- Injured Leg - 1895 (Jun 1915)
Bio: Hinman, W. G.
- Moving to Job it Texas - 1895 (Apr 1915)
Bio: Priest Ezra -
Visited His Mother in Loyal - 1895 (May 1915)
Bio: Welch, William
- Freak of Nature Chicken - 1895 (Jun 1915)
Bio: White, Edna (Engagement
- Apr 1915)
News: Loyal - Horse
Runaway Accident - 1895 (Apr 1915)
News: Loyal - Multiple
Cases of Scarlet Fever - 1895 (May 1915)
News: Loyal - New Business
- 1895 (Jun 1915)
Obit: Hoffman, Walter
H. (1925 - 2019)
Obit: Suda, Charles
J. (1936 - 2019)
Obit: Toltzman, Delmer
O. (1925 - 2020)
School: Loyal H.S.
- Musicale Fund Raiser - 1895 (Apr 1915)
School: Loyal H.S.
Honors Mr./Mrs. E.C. Hirsch (May 1915)
Cemetery Updates/Additions
Neillsville City:
BE - Beyer, Robert R.
29 Jan 2020
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
BioA: Austin, Mr./Mrs. Dale (30th - 1975)
BioA: Noah, Mr./Mrs.
Emil #2 (Golden - 1975)
BioM: Keefer, Mary
Jo (1975)
BioM: Marriage Licenses
(Aug/Sep - 1975)
BioM: Meyer, Marcia
BioM: Opelt, Diane
Lee #2 (1975)
BioM: Owens, June
Marie (1975)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
School: Owen-Withee
Junior & Senior H. S. (Staff of 1962)
School: Owen-Withee
S. H. S. (Class of 1962)
School: Owen-Withee
Junior & Senior H. S. (Staff of 1963)
School: Owen-Withee
S. H. S. (Class of 1963)
School: Owen-Withee
Junior & Senior H. S. (Staff of 1964)
School: Owen-Withee
S. H. S. (Class of 1964)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Fallos, Axel
Rodney (20 Dec 2019)
Bio: Fullmer, David
.J. (65th Birthday - Apr 1915)
BioA: Christman, Mr./Mrs.
B. (43rd - 1915)
Church: Loyal - Trinity
Lutheran Dedication (Nov 1914)
News: Loyal - Moose
Lodge Founded (Feb 1915)
News: Loyal - New Veterinary
Surgeon (Oct 1917)
News: Spokeville -
House Fire (Dec 1914)
News: York Center -
Halloween Hooligans (1914)
Obit: Alexander,
John W. "Jack" (1935 - 2019)
Obit: Boor, Robert
G. "Bob" (1932 - 2019)
Obit: Fabian, Edith
- Burned to Death (1914? - 1917)
Obit: Hartman, Dorothy
E. (1916 - 2019)
Obit: Kadolph, Albert
(1860 - 1915)
Cemetery Updates/Additions
Loyal City:
- Kadolph, Albert
Dorchester Memorial:
- Hartman, Dororthy E.
Sherman Township - West Spencer
- Truax, Lester, Francis, Vernald
28 Jan 2020
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
Bio: Averill, Abigail
- November Junior Kiwanian (2019)
Bio: Voigt, Riley
- December Junior Kiwanian (2019)
News: Clark Co. -
Shop With a Cop (Dec - 2019)
News: Neillsville
- Locals Donate 77 Trees for Troops (2019)
News: Neillsville
- Meeting With Veterans (Veterans Day - 2019)
News: Neillsville
- Local Mom Donates Breast (Jan 2019)
News: Neillsville
- Am. Legion to Recognize Bob Bell (Jan 2020)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
School: Dor-Abby
H. S. (Staff of 1963)
School: Dor-Abby
H. S. (Class of 1963)
School: Dor-Abby
H. S. (Staff of 1964)
School: Dor-Abby
H. S. (Class of 1964)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Braun, A. J. -
Buys North Central Garage (Jun 1917)
Bio: Raeck, Fred Sr.
- Barn Fire (Aug 1917)
Bio: Youmans, Fred
- Hand Blown Off (Jun 1917)
BioM: Pickola, Jennie
S. (1917)
BioM: Weber, Mabel
News: Loyal - Reception
for Boys Enlisted for War (Jul 1917)
Obit: Belonger, Cesar
(1842 - 1917)
Obit: Goethe, John
(1868 - 1917)
Obit: Lyon, John M.
(1838 - 1917)
Obit: Millard, Gary
E. (1943 - 2019)
Obit: Miller, Raymond
E. (1932 - 2019)
Obit: Ridderbush,
Gene H. (1928 - 2019)
School: Loyal H.S.
- Graduation (Jun 1917)
Cemetery Updates/Additions
Sherman Township - West Spencer:
MI - Miller, Raymond Edward
27 Jan 2020
New Records posted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon
BioM: Marriage License
(Dec - 2019)
Obit: Carstensen,
Gwen J. (1935 - 2019)
Obit: Chernach, Violetta
Lota (1924 - 2019)
Obit: Henchen, Wilbert
Hugo Lefty (1926 - 2019)
Obit: Langreck, Robert
F. (1933 - 2019)
Obit: Seif, Dorothy
Marie (1924 - 2019)
New Records posted by Robert Lipprandt
Obit: Schulte, Emil
Albert (1890 - 1940)
Obit: Schulte, Louisa
Wilhelmina (1892 - 1980)
School: Dorchester
H. S. (Staff of 1962)
School: Dorchester
H. S. (Class of 1962)
New Records posted by Stan Schwarze
Bio: Bauer, John -
Brother/Sister Reunion (Nov 1916)
Bio: Degraw, M. - Home
Destroyed by Fire (Jan 1917)
Bio: Swieso, John -
House Burns (Apr 1917)
BioM: Walls, Mae Alice
News: Loyal - New Lumber
Warehouse (1916)
News: Loyal - Soo Depot
Burns (Apr 1917)
News: Unity - Business
Section Burns (Feb 1917)
Obit: Boeck, Elaine
P. (1943 - 2019)
Obit: Gwiazda, Judith
A. (1944 - 2019)
Obit: Hills, Oliver
(1841? - 1917)
Obit: Paskert, Larry
M. (1944 - 2019)
Obit: Smith, Lodema
(1846 - 1916)
Obit: Zasacki, Margaret
M. (1916 - 2019)
School: Loyal H.S.
- Juniors Reception for Seniors (May 1917)
Cemetery Updates/Additions
Loyal Township - Pine Grove (Dodgeville):
S - Smith, Lodema M.
Neillsville St. Mary's:
L - Langreck, Robert F.
Neillsville City:
SEI - Seif, Dorothy Marie
Withee Township - County Line (Holy Ukrainian):
A - Gwiazda, Judith Ann
Withee Township - Old St. Hedwig's:
ZAJAC - Zasacki, Margaret Martha
Taylor Co. - Jump River Twshp:
MT NEBO - Peterson, John
Taylor Co. - Ford Twshp:
MEADOWBROOK - Grzeszkowiak, Ronald A.