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Clark County, Wisconsin
January -July 2006 Updates
Home Page
The Albert Mohr Family (new photo
addition); contributed by Dolores (Mohr)
Biographies: The
Koboski Family of Humbird, WI;
researched by Cindy Dressler.
Dewhurst Township:
Hatfield Chamber of
(21 Jun 2006); transcribed by Dolores
(Mohr) Kenyon.
County-wide Info: Old News Clips,
Jul 20, 2005; transcribed by
Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
County-wide Info: Old News Clips,
Aug. 3, 2005; transcribed by
Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
County-wide Info: Old News Clips,
Aug. 13, 1997; transcribed by
Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
Fredrick & Christina Rossman; (expanded
biography & new photos) contributed by the Rossman Family.
Peter Glasshof, Civil War Soldier;
contributed by Gerald Glasshof with added research by
Lani Bartelt.
Sylvester Sweet, Civil War Soldier;
contributed by Mary Ellen Timm.
James Alfred Tilden Notes;
contributed by Kay Boylan
Dewhurst Township: Community Pages--125
Years of Hatfield Dam History; written by Toddy Porath
transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
Clark Co., WI Military History:
Highground Memorial Park;
transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
Colby Township: Churches--Dedication
of the M. E. Church in Colby, WI (1883), transcribed by
Washburn Township: School Pages--1952-53
Shortville Classroom, transcribed by
Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
Eaton Township: School Pages--1920
Domestic Science Class in Greenwood, WI High School; Contributed by the
Greenwood Public Library.
The Family of Henry Elmhorst;
transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
Civil War: Preparations for the
July 4, 2006 Civil
War Dedication in Thorp, WI; contributed by
Nancy Anderson.
The Family of Fred & Alice Frank,
contributed by Kent Alexander.
Hoard Township:
The Curtiss Depot in the
1930's & a biography of
Victor Teach; contributed by
Jerry Teach.
Biographies: A biographical sketch of the
William Welch Family; contributed by
Lani Bartelt.
County wide history: "Old
Settler's Club"; contributed by
Lani Bartelt.
Eaton Township: School Pages--1907
Greenwood H. S. Memories; contributed by
Duane Horn, transcribed by Kipp
Eaton Township: School Pages--1916
Greenwood H. S. Annual (Expanded); contributed by
Duane Horn, transcribed by Kipp
Kippenhan, Paul Forster & Janet Schwarze.
Eaton Township: School Pages--1916
Greenwood H. S. Annual (Basketball, Campfire girls, Senior & Junior
Classes); contributed by Duane Horn,
transcribed by Janet Schwarze.
Sherman Township:
West Spencer Cemetery Index, contributed by Lorraine Markee,
Ken Wood & Stan Schwarze.
Pine Valley Township: School Pages--Neillsville
High School Class of 1975 10 yr. Reunion (1985); contributed by
Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
Eaton Township: School Pages--1910
Greenwood H. S. Annual (expanded to include the Sophomore and Freshman
Classes); contributed by Duane Horn,
transcribed by Janet Schwarze.
Eaton Township: School Pages--1910
Greenwood H. S. Annual (expanded to include the Junior Class); contributed
Duane Horn, transcribed by Janet
Eaton Township: School Pages--1937
Greenwood High School Annual (expanded to include the Freshman, Sophomore &
Junior Classes), contributed by Lorraine (Schwarze) Ernst, transcribed by
Janet Schwarze.
Eaton Township:
1937 Greenwood High School Annual
(Dedication, Staff, Senior class photos, history, prophecy, will & all school
Band; contributed by Lorraine (Schwarze) Ernst, transcribed by
Janet Schwarze.
Eaton Township--School Pages,
1937-38 Greenwood H. S. Ball Teams;
F.F.A.; &
Supporters (history and
photos); contributed by Lorraine (Schwarze) Ernst.
Eaton Township--School Pages,
1937-38 Greenwood H. S. Glee Club;
Commercial Club; &
H.C.A. Club (history and photos);
contributed by Lorraine (Schwarze) Ernst.
Green Grove Township--School Pages, New Elmwood
Record transcriptions expanded (1923-1942); contributed by Crystal Wendt.
Biographies--The family tree of
Friedrich Karl Schulte. This extensive
document is the result of many years of personal research by
Robert Lipprandt and other family
members. We thank them all for this wonderful contribution.
Eaton Township--School Pages,
1937-38 Greenwood H. S. Echoes Staff
Forensics (history and
photos); contributed by Lorraine (Schwarze) Ernst.
Eaton Township--School Pages,
1937-38 Greenwood H. S. Band Photo
and History; contributed by Lorraine (Schwarze) Ernst.
Curtis Markham's
Dedication Program
Thorp Event Program
Green Grove Township--School Pages, Elmwood
School (Record
transcriptions expanded); contributed by Crystal Wendt.
Eaton Township--School Pages, 1937-38 Greenwood
H. S. Junior Class Photo & History,
Sophmore Class Photo & History;
contributed by Lorraine (Schwarze) Ernst.
Eaton Township--School Pages, 1937-38 Greenwood
H. S. Freshman Class Photo &
History, contributed by Lorraine (Schwarze) Ernst.
Eaton Township--School Pages, 1937-38 Greenwood
H. S. Faculty
and Graduation Announcement, contributed by Lorraine (Schwarze) Ernst.
1870 Pine Valley, WI United States Census--[Pg.
1] [Pg.
2] [Pg.
3] [Pg.
4] [Pg.
5] [Pg.
6] [Pg.
7] [Pg.
8] [Pg.9]
16] (Neillsville, WI) Expanded extraction by
Pat Phillips.
Mystery Photo
#107--This picture hangs in the lobby of the Moraine Motel in Neillsville,
WI. The owners purchased it at an auction held at a rural Loyal, WI
country schoolhouse before it was demolished. They understood it was one
of the former teachers. Please contact us
if you can help identify the subject.
Biographies: Additional family notes have been
added to the story of Francis "Frank" Fults
by Lani Bartelt with information
provided by a great granddaughter of Francis.
Eaton Township:
1938 Senior Class of Greenwood High School;
contributed by Lorraine (Schwarze) Ernst, transcribed by
Janet Schwarze.
Joseph &
Mildred (Gipson) Gubeli; contributed by
Joseph Gubeli, Jr.
Lynn Township:
Jim Sternitzky has expanded and updated
Town of Lynn Cemetery record.
Biographies: Additional research has been added
to the story of Francis "Frank" Fults by
Lani Bartelt and
Crystal Wendt.
Special Veteran's Census for Wisconsin now includes the border communities
in Eau Claire, Chippewa, Jackson, Marathon, Taylor & Wood Counties, WI.
Location-Index: [Colby]
Grove] [Hewett]
Valley & Neillsville] [Sherman]
Bordering Towns
Eau Claire County:
Creek] [Fairchild]
Chippewa County: [Index]
Jackson County: [Index]
Valley] [Sullivan]
Marathon County: [Index]
Taylor County: [Index]
Creek] [Greenwood]
Black] [Molitor]
Creek] [Rib
Wood County: [Lincoln]
Contributed by
Ken Wood!
Veterans: A fifth addition has been made
to our
WWII Collection of Memories by Ed Bogdonovich; written Mick Kuzjak/ TRG
December 2001, and contributed by Sherrin
Mack. Many thanks to Crystal
Wendt for transcribing this!
1905 Wisconsin State Records; this partial collection has now been
expanded to include the township of Thorp. Contact
Leon or
Ken if you would like to help with
this project.
Pine Valley: United Methodist Church--
1955 Confirmation Class; contributed by Erdine Payne &
Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
Eaton Township:
Greenwood Mormon Movement; contributed by
Mary Urban.
Cleaning Tombstones; contributed by
Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
Veterans: An additional memoir, "In
the Army With George J. Plautz" by George Plautz, Sr., has been added to
WWII Collection of Memories by his son,
George Plautz, Jr.
War Bonds; contributed by George
Plautz, Jr.
1890 Special Veteran's Census for Wisconsin now includes the border
communities in Chippewa Co., WI
Location-Index: [Colby]
Grove] [Hewett]
Valley & Neillsville] [Sherman]
Bordering Towns
Eau Claire County: [Bridge
Creek] [Fairchild]
County: [Index]
Marathon County: [Index]
Wood County: [Lincoln]
Surname-Index: [A]
This outstanding contribution comes to us,
courtesy of Ken Wood.
Biographies: The
Glass Family Photo Album, this beautiful collection, contributed by
Doris Kerwin Engelhardt & Pat Phillips,
has now been expanded to include beautiful charcoal drawings of Louis J.
Glass and Francis (Buck) Trumbull.
Veterans: A photo of
George Plautz Sr. has now been added to our
WWII Collection of Memories by his son,
George Plautz, Jr. who does the
Hendren, Mead and Foster pages for the site.
Pine Valley: School Pages--1927
Neillsville High School Annual, (Expanded text); transcribed and
contributed by Crystal Wendt.
More Resources: A new link has been added
WW II US Military Cemeteries and Burials;
contributed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
This link is stored on the
Index page as well as the "More
Resources" section.
The Story of Daniel Chapman & Hugh Perkins;
contributed by Lani Bartelt.
James W. & Amelia (Palmer) Ferguson &
Samuel & Johanna Ferguson (expanded details);
contributed by Lani Bartelt.
Veterans: A third contribution has
been made to our
WWII Collection of Memories by Sherrin Mack of Loyal, Clark Co.,
Wisconsin who fought with Patton and witnessed the atrocities of Dachau.
Sherrin's well written memoirs capture the horrors of war as seen through
the eyes of a young man from a small Wisconsin town who was willing to put
his own life on the line for all of us. Thank you "Mac"!
Hendren Township:
Breaking Ground for the Holy Family Catholic Church (Willard,
Wisconsin); contributed by Mary Urban;
prepared by
Crystal Wendt &
Pat Phillips.
Hendren Township:
Willard History, 1908-1914; contributed by
Mary Urban; prepared by
Crystal Wendt &
Pat Phillips
Janvid Stuat Family--contributed by
Mary Urban; prepared by Crystal
Wendt &
Pat Phillips
Ruzic Retires--contributed by Mary
Urban; prepared by Crystal Wendt
Pat Phillips
Pine Valley: School Pages--Northside
Grammar School (1953 Photo); contributed by
Judy Hansen.
Mentor: Organizations--Masonic
Auto Parade; written by
Jean Anderson and transcribed
by Cindy Dressler.
Pine Valley: School Pages--1946
Kindergarten Class &
1952 6th Grade; contributed by Judy
Pine Valley: School Pages--1927
Neillsville High School Annual, The Crimson & White; transcribed and
contributed by Crystal Wendt.
Veterans: A photograph has now been
added to Donald Cole's U. S. Service Story in our
WWII Collection of Memories. Donald grew up in Loyal, Clark Co.,
Wisconsin and was a member of the squadron which delivered "the bomb"
to Japan.
Loyal Township:
The Old Dodgeville School (Photo with student identifications);
contributed by Mary Urban; prepared
Crystal Wendt &
Pat Phillips
Biographies: The
Glass Family Photo Album, this beautiful collection was contributed by
Doris Kerwin Engelhardt & Pat Phillips,
both descendents of the prominent Glass family of Neillsville, Clark Co.,
1910 Neillsville Grade School Photo, contributed by Doris Kerwin
Engelhardt &
Pat Phillips
Schools: 1909 Neillsville
Grade School Photo. Please contact us if you can identify any of
these individuals; contributed by Judy
Biographies: The
Poppe Family Photo Album; contributed by
Darlene Poppe.
Biographies: The
Bergstrom Family; contributed by
Diane Kleinke. This extensive research also include some fabulous
family photos!
Seif Township:
Memories of Elaine Wood (expanded with new photos of her childhood
home); Written and contributed by
Elaine (Wood) Greene/Jenson.
1905 Wisconsin State Records; this partial collection has now been
expanded. Contact Janet,
Leon or
Ken if you would like to help with
this project.
Weddings: A beautiful photo of
Bert E. & Laura (Gergen)
Dunten has been contributed by our newest Clark Co., WI History
Buff, Anne Johnson, their great granddaughter. We thank her both for
the picture and for joining our team of eager beavers!
Pine Valley:
Silver Dome Memories; expanded article with added photos by Bud Hardrath
and Shari Hahn.
Biographies: The Story of
Richard A. W. Bracht contributed by
Lani Bartelt.
Biographies: The Story of
Frederick Purgett (including a photo of him in Civil War uniform!);
contributed by
Diane Kleinke.
Lani Bartelt has contributed
Nettleton Family Research in an effort to clear up various persistent
controversies. We thank her and those who helped make correction for
all of their hard work.
Census: Pine Valley and
Neillsville have now been added to the
1890 Special Veteran's Census; contributed by
Ken Wood.
Biographies: The Story of
Anton & Stella (Winicki) Stroinski; courtesy of the
Thorp Area Museum and research by the
Clark Co.,
WI History Buffs.
Biographies: The Story of
Stanley & Jeanette (Huls) Bogumill; with photos courtesy of the
Thorp Area Museum and research by the
Clark Co.,
WI History Buffs.
Veterans: A second story
of Donald Cole's U. S. Service has been added to our
WWII Collection of Memories. These fascinating memoirs include the
bombing of Japan and were contributed by
Sherrin Mack. Donald grew
up in Loyal, Clark Co., Wisconsin.
Hixon Township: Schools,
Chorus (from the Cloverleaf 1955); contributed by
Diane Kleinke.
Evelyn Schwieso (photo); contributed by
Charmaine Becker.
1890 Special Veteran's Census; contributed by
Ken Wood.
Grove] [Hewett]
Veterans: A
WWII Collection of Memories has been started with the first remarkable
story contributed by George Plautz, Sr. and transcribed by his son, George
Plautz, Jr. who does the Hendren, Mead and Foster pages for the site.
Withee Township: Clark
Co., WI, History Buff, Paul Forster, recently wrote a letter to the Editor
of the Thorp Courier regarding the upcoming dedication of new Civil War
Veteran Grave sites during the 4th of July holiday. Be sure to
read his thoughtful and patriotic comments!
Grant Township:
Dr. James Sternitzky has
transcribed the
Zion American Lutheran Church Centennial Book (1864 - 1964) which was
contributed by Dolores Moldenhauer. Many thanks for Jim who worked
this project in while finishing his recently obtained degree!
Withee Township: Webmaster,
Leon Konieczny, has just finished
uploading several dozen photos for the
Polnaszek family photo album.
This collection also included: (1) An old picture of the
Sterling School, per 1913, which has also been posted and is linked to
the town of
Withee schools page; (2) A new picture of
St. Hedwig's church, c. 1910 which has been added to the
Town of
Withee Churches; (3) Several
Mystery Photos. All of these beautiful photos were graciously
contributed to this site by
Jennifer Polnaszek
and we thank her for her undeniable generosity.
Biographies: The story of
Sidney & Mabel Ennor; contributed by
Shelley Cardiel who is hoping to reunite this "rescued" keepsake
treasure with the Ennor family.
Laniewski Family Sketch; by the History Buffs. We've received word
that a member of this family fought in the Civil War and is buried in the
Old St. Hedwig's Cemetery in Thorp, WI. We are seeking additional
details. Please
contact us if you have any
information about this family.
1890 Thorp Veteran Index; contributed by
Ken Wood.
Mystery Photo:
Warner Family & Friends (Photo of fifty); contributed by
Carol (Purkis) Mitte. This
wonderful group photo could include Civil War Soldiers of the Thorp, WI
area. Please take a look to see if you can help us identify some of
the unknown people in it. This picture is also featured in our
Mystery Photo Collection #106.
1890 Eaton Veteran Index; contributed by
Ken Wood.
1890 Colby Veteran Index; contributed by
Ken Wood.
Biographies: The Story of the
Warner Family (expanded with more family photos and news clips)
contributed by
Carol (Purkis) Mitte.
1895 Pine Valley Township Census;
contributed by Ken Wood.
1895 Worden Township Census; contributed
by Ken Wood.
1895 Hoard Township Census; contributed
Ken Wood.
1895 Warner Township Census; contributed
by Ken Wood.
1895 Green Grove Township Census;
contributed by Ken Wood.
1895 Greenwood Census; contributed by
Ken Wood.
1895 Eaton Township Census; contributed
Ken Wood.
1895 Colby Village, West Ward Census;
contributed by Ken Wood.
1895 Beaver Township Census; contributed
by Ken Wood.
Census: Mayville--1895
Abbotsford Village Census; contributed by
Ken Wood.
Mystery Photos:
Picture #105 is an unknown wedding
party and has been contributed by
Jennifer Polnaszek. It comes to us from a collection belonging
to Liz (Bogumill) Polnaszek. Please take a look and see if you can
identify anyone in the picture.
Biographies: The Story of the
Warner Family including family photos from
Carol (Purkis) Mitte and research provided by
Lani Bartelt.
Biographies: The Story of
Jonathon K. & Margaret Ellen Adams; a photo and additional information
provided by Jan Slater.
Biographies: The Story of
William S. Wright and Family; contributed by
Lani Bartelt
Mayville Township:
Abbotsford Centennial Booklet (partial transcription); contributed by
the Clark Co., WI History Buffs.
Fremont Township:
Alexander/Meissner Family
Bible; contributed by Kent Alexander.
1895 Levis Census; contributed by
Ken Wood.
1895 Washburn Census; contributed by
Ken Wood.
1895 Fremont Census; contributed by
Ken Wood.
Morris, Daniel H.;
research provided by
Lani Bartelt
Brown, Bernard J. (History - 1841);
new family research provided by
Lani Bartelt
Family; contributions by Carol Awe
and research by Lani Bartelt
Henry Herbert (H. H.) Christofferson;
researched by Lani
Census Transcriptions:
Ken Wood has provided a new
user-friendly version of the
Special Census for Civil War Veteran's and Widows. Thank you Ken
for taking time to send us this wonderful improvement for a useful resource.
For those of you who don't know, Ken is a research librarian at the
Marshfield Library and makes frequent use of the site in his work. We
appreciate his sincere dedication in helping us get as much information
on-line as possible. A link has also been provided from our Census
page for the former "By Post Office" version.
Biographies: The Story of
Louis A. Pradt & Family; new updates contributed by
Lani Bartelt
Shoop-Colburn Family History;
new information and new photos contributed by
Kenneth Shoop and research
supplied by Lani
County-Wide History: "An
Unwritten Page of Early Clark and Jackson Co., WI History"; Authored by
Fred W. Draper in 1936 and transcribed by
Ken Wood.
Clark Co., WI--A Partial
1895 WI State Census; contributed by
Ken Wood.
Washburn Township: An extremely
rare photo of the old
Shortville Post-Office & Store has been
contributed by Kenneth Shoop.
Shoop-Colburn Family History;
new information and photo contributed by
Kenneth Shoop and research
supplied by Lani
Warner Township--Horn
and Braun Family Pictures; contributed by Duane Horn.
Wisconsin Vital Statistics--WI
Birth Records Index--State Historical Society. This new link will
be stored on the "More Resources" page.
Biographies: Research for
Andrew & Susana (Lintner) Shoop; contributed by
Lani Bartelt
Biographies: The Autobiography
Dolores (McCarthy) Helbling; contributed by
Lani Bartelt
Weston Township:
Remembers" -- Recollections of Rural Wisconsin in the 1920's;
written and contributed by
Berdina Padrutt. Berdina grew up in Globe and today is grandmother
to eighteen and great grandmother to fifteen children.
Mystery Photos: Can you
help us identify this Mystery Photo #104
contributed by Hugh Campbell from
Reylea Family Scrapbook?
Biographies: Another 40 photos
have been added to the
Hardrath Family Album; contributed by Bud Hardrath and prepared by
Crystal Wendt.
Green Grove Township: Historical
Index of the Bee Hive School
Teachers; contributed by Elsie (Lipprandt) Anderson, Anita (Lipprandt)
McKenna and Robert Lipprandt.
Greenwood Festivals has a new
name; contributed by Dick Adler.
Biographies: The Story of
Brehm Family; contributed by
Lani Bartelt
Biographies: The Story of
Alexander and Evelyn (Rogalski) Langiewicz, Biography & Wedding Photo;
Provided by The Thorp Courier. Please
contact us if you can identify any additional people in this picture.
Biographies: The Story of
Emmers and Ariens Family History, Genealogy & Photos; contributed by
Dennis Emmers.
Biographies: The Story of
Stahl, Herman & Lois Catherine Warman--Contributed by
Margaret Linder.
Hixon Township School Pages:
1944-45 Owen High School Year Book "The Cloverleaf"--Contributed by
Robert Lipprandt.
1945-46 Owen High School Year Book "The Cloverleaf"--Contributed by
Robert Lipprandt.
1946-47 Owen High School Year Book "The Cloverleaf"--Contributed by
Robert Lipprandt.
1947-48 Owen High School Year Book "The Cloverleaf"--Contributed by
Robert Lipprandt.
1948-49 Owen High School Year Book "The Cloverleaf"--Contributed by
Robert Lipprandt.
1949-50 Owen High School Year Book "The Cloverleaf"--Contributed by
Robert Lipprandt.
1950-51 Owen High School Year Book "The Cloverleaf"--Contributed by
Robert Lipprandt.
1951-52 Owen High School Year Book "The Cloverleaf"--Contributed by
Robert Lipprandt.
WWII: Veronica
Francis Schwieso Giesel,
Obit & Photos contributed
by Charmaine Becker.
Colby Township:
High School Dedication (1907); transcribed by
Stan Schwarze.
Census Records: On-line
Index for the 1875 Clark Co., Wisconsin State
Census; contributed by Ken Wood.
Census Records: On-line
Index for the 1855 Clark Co., Wisconsin State
Census; contributed by Ken Wood.
Butler Township:
Gathering at the Winterer Farm; Provided by: Nancy Anderson - Reporter
for The Thorp Courier
Butler Township:
Butler Township Cemetery History; Provided by: Nancy Anderson -
Reporter for The Thorp Courier
Biographies: The Story of
Louis A. Pradt & Family; contributed by
Lani Bartelt
Warner Township: Memories--Owen
Haigh Interview on Pie Socials (WAV File).
Thorp Township: Eidsvold--Class
1954; transcribed and contributed by
Paul Forster.
Warner: Memories from
Arvilla Franz Valentines from Decker School 1920's; contributed by
Allen Wessel. These photos
will take about a minute to download, but are well worth the wait and just
in time for Valentine's Day!
Biographies: The Story of
Herman Jr. and Elsa Hardrath; contributed by Bud Hardrath and
transcribed by
Crystal Wendt.
Biographies: The Story of
Bredemeyer; contributed by Lani
Biographies: The Story of the
Provenske & Aderhold Families; Researcher's notes added by
Diane Kleinke.
Biographies: The Story of the
Family; contributed by Lani
Biographies: The Story of the
Provenske & Aderhold Families; contributed by
Lani Bartelt
Unity Township:
1900 Federal Census; transcribed and contributed by
Crystal Wendt.
Grant Township: Jim Sternitzky
has expanded the
Historic Photo Page to include new photos of the Kelpin Family which
were contributed by Ralph Gravelle.
Eaton Township:
Zion Evangelical & Reformed 75th Anniversary Booklet; contributed by
Allen Wessel.
Faber Family, Frank & Laura (1910 Census Record and Marriage Photo);
contributed by
Patrick Turner.
Colby Township: School Pages, "The
Importance of Kindergarten--1905"; contributed and transcribed by
Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.
Colby Township:
Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon has transcribed
a 1905 article from the Colby Phonograph concerning the importance of a fast
Telephone Service. This is great reading for anyone who feels
yesterday was slower paced than today!
Emmers and Ariens Family History, Genealogy & Photos; contributed by
Dennis Emmers.
Colby Township:
The History of St. Kilian/St. Mary Catholic Church; contributed by
Stan Schwarze.
Eaton Township: An outstanding,
comprehensive "Tour of Greenwood,
WI-2005"; contributed by Mary Urban.
Local Area News:
Wisconsin Leader" of Merrillan, Jackson Co., This newest transcription
begins with
Vol. 888, No. 3, 6/20/79;
Contributed by
Bob Gile who wrote, "I
hope these people like railroad history, because that was the hot topic in
the fall of 1879 around Merrillan and Neillsville."
A great new link for anyone
interested in "Transcribing
Cemeteries" has been provided by
Diane Kleinke. This URL will be stored on the "More
Resources" pages.
Thorp & Worden Townships: 1880
Map Transcription & Map; transcribed and contributed by
Paul Forster. In 1880, the Town of
Thorp was composed of the current town of Thorp and the current town of
Worden. Both maps are very large (2-3 Mb); the 1880 map for the current town
of Thorp is
here, and the 1880 map for the current town of Worden is
Transcription for the
sections comprising the current town of Thorp are
Transcription for the
sections comprising the current town of Worden
Forster Family Photos,
contributed by Paul Forster.
#0028: Agnes (Harmon), infant Paul, Roy, Vaughn, Lorraine & Phyllis
Forster at the Forster farm, Section 28 Thorp Twp, August 1938.
#0040: Leonard Gutowski (carrying strap-on skates), Carol Rasmussen,
Paul Forster & Glen Rasmussen, February 1947. Forster home in
#0077: Rear. L-R:Tony Kaminski, Gladys Arneson, Vaughn Forster,
Claude Tollefson, Geraldine Anason, Marcella Daum; Front, L-R: Josephine
Kaminsky, Chester Olocki, Colleen Biddle, Elmwood Arneson, Phyllis
Tollefson, Galen Biddle, Phyllis Forster, Clara Szatalowicz. Rosie
Olocki, Teacher Ida Markowski. Taken in 1938 at Eidsvold State Graded.
Note on back says: Lottie, Lorraine S., Calvin and Steven W. not on.
#0095: Phyllis Forster, Phyllis Tollefson, Sylverne Peet with Vern
Peet's car, 1943-44
#0098: Rear, L-R: Mrs. Flora, Clayton Flora, unknown in hat, unknown
in hat, Gordon Flora, Galen Biddle Front, L-R: Vonnie Nelson, Colleen
Biddle, Sylverne Peet, Laurel Bivans, unkown, Phyllis Forster.
(Participants in this one are our best guess. Date in 1940's.)
#0100: Sylverne Peet on rock in North Fork River just north of Hwy
29 Bridge.
#0120: Clara (Harmon) and Perry Kuhn (Clara was Paul Forster's
mother's sister.). They operated a farm which was about 2 miles SSE of
Stanley in the Town of Worden through the 1950's.
Local Area News:
Wisconsin Leader" of Merrillan, Jackson Co., This newest transcription
begins with
Vol. 888, No. 3, 5/9/79;
Contributed by
Bob Gile who wrote, "Logging
was certainly the hot topic in 1879."
Clark Co., WI State Census; Transcribed and contributed by
Ken Wood.
Biographies: The Story of
Rudolph & Wilhelmina Bartels of Colby, Wisconsin has been begun by the
Clark Co., WI History Buffs. We are seeking additional information and
Please contact us if you can help.
Biographies: The Story of
Andrew & Rose Clark-Ablard Lair of Colby Township has been begun by
Harold Zander and we are seeking
additional information. Please let Harold know if you can help.
Hixon Township: The
Hemminger Family of Hixon Township (Biographical Information & Photos);
contributed by Gina Bower.
Tragedies: The story of a
1905 Hail and Wind Storm which
affected much of Wisconsin and reaped mass destruction in both Colby and
Curtiss and killed Mrs. Rudolph Bartels. Transcribed by Janet
Biographies: The Story of
Albert & Louise (Fischer) Becherer;
contributed by
Lani Bartelt
Warner Township: This new community page for the Warner site has photos of
8 womens' bowling teams from 1951 who bowled at the Greenwood Bowling
Alley. Thank you to Al Wessel!
Local Area News:
Wisconsin Leader" of Merrillan, Jackson Co., This newest transcription
begins with
Vol. II, No. 19, 2/7/79;
Contributed by
Bob Gile who wrote, "It
looks like the spring of "™79 was a dry one with the loggers having trouble
getting the logs to flow."
Peter Beyrel story and a family photo album; contributed by
Lani Bartelt
1900 Green Grove Township Federal Census; A 2006 New Year Surprise
provided by
Crystal Wendt.