Sherwood Township Soldiers
Clark Co., Wisconsin
Contributed by Janet Schwarze.
Civil War
Beatty, G. S.; Co. G. 50th NY
Canfield, Fletcher M.; Co. E, 12th WI Infantry
Geisen, Matt; Co. D. 28th NY
Janes, Joseph Alonzo; Co. E, 7th WI
LaFlesh, Thomas Jefferson; Co. B, 2nd WI Cavalry
McConnell, Wilson; Co. G. 33 IN Infantry
McCormick, Patrick Charles (For years he and Hugh Perkins lived and were well known around Sherwood and both were well known veterans).
Messing, George; Co. B. 46th WI Infantry
Perkins, Hugh; Co. "I", 7th WI Infantry
Pickering, Byron Potter; Co. A, 11th, MI
St. Germain, David; Co. B; 31st WI Infantry
World War I
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World War II
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