Sitting: Jane Weeks, Sylvia Seif, Anne Lipkie, Mary Ann Grzanna, Norene Savage, Vera Munger, Leona Walk, Dolores Scott.


Second Row: Clifford Arndt, James Unger, Josephine Deutsch, Valda Munger, Mrs. Thomas, Doris Wood, Eileen Hoepner, Herman Beilke, Lowell Huckstead.


Third Row: John Zimmerman, Maxwell Pullen, Lowell Schoengarth, Clarence Roessler, William Noel, Wendell Palmer, Neil Warren, Robert Dahnert, Henry Frantz.


The Dominoes


"All the world's a stage

And all the men and women merely players."



If, on Wednesday evenings, one had entered the gymnasium or perchance the assembly, he would have found himself in a land of make-believe,. Before him would have appeared a man with an aching corn, a public speaker full of enthusiasm, a young lad with a stomach ache, the typical gossip, and endless number of persons of equal distinction. In other words, he would have been witnessing a typical meeting of the Dominoes, the dramatic club which was organized this year.


This club was created not only to allow the "Let's pretend" instinct to be developed but also to further speech activities along all lines. The twenty-five members who comprise it were selected from a large group after general speaking and pantomimic try-outs, and these members will retain a permanent membership, during their high school course.


Perhaps some of the most fiery meetings were witnesses when the evening was devoted to parliamentary procedure. Time and time again it was necessary for our president, Robert Dahnert, to gavel for silence and ask that the meeting please come to order. If the discussion became too intense, he called on the vice-president, Clarence Roessler, to take the chair or to give further assistance. "Will the secretary please read the motion as it now stands?" That was Leona Walk's cue to come to the aid of the distressed. If the doubtful souls were not as yet assured that an amendment could be amended, the sponsors, Miss Lound and Mrs. Thomas, were appealed to for the final decision.


At its project this year, the Dominoes sponsored the school mixers, were the host for these enjoyable presented at the Moose Hall.





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