Sherwood Township Community
Clark County, Wisconsin
Sherwood Town Hall History
Cemetery] [Local
Sherwood News]
Nevins, Clark Co., Wis. Post Office,
Established 28 November 1879
of Thomas LaFlesh
Peter Ladd first
contracted to buy land in Sherwood on 25 October, 1899.
He borrowed $364 at 6% interest per year from George
L Lloyd. His payments were to be $50 each of the first,
second, third and fourth years, with the fifth year
a payment of $164 plus interest. Peter was buying the
E ½ of SW ¼, Section 6, Town of Sherwood. A warranty
deed between Peter A Ladd and the Clark County Land
Company, is dated 29th October 1900. On January 4, 1909
a warranty deed showed sale of these 80 acres to C.M.
Bradford, a widower, of Neillsville.
A Thanksgiving entertainment was given in the Sherwood
Town Hall on Wednesday evening, Nov. 26, 1913 by the
pupils of Myra Jahr’s school with the help of a few
outsiders. The program consisted of music, recitations,
dialogues, tableaux, a pumpkin drill and a play entitled
"Dr. Cure All", Admission was just 10 cents. The
profits were used to get a new book case for the school
house. The program began at 8 o’clock sharp which
enabled farmers to complete their chores before attending.
Chickens Suffered at Sherwood
NEILLSVILLE PRESS (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.)
ladies of the Sherwood Community Club sustained their
fine reputation last Thursday night by serving another
of their good chicken pie suppers, for which they have
become famous throughout this region for many miles
around. The supper Thursday night was the equal of those
served before, and by reason of experience won at previous
suppers this one was handled with more apparent ease
than the others. The crowd of hungry patrons was taken
care of rapidly and with most efficient service. Booths
were arranged in two corners of the hall at which were
sold home-canned goods, fancy work, ladies household
garments, etc., and were quite liberally patronized.
In the hall and table decorations were suggestions of
Halloween, such as pumpkin lanterns and other things.
The supper itself was a real feast. A group of town
of Sherwood girls sang a series of songs. It was fine
singing and certainly reflected great credit on those
who trained them.
those present from outside the immediate neighborhood,
were businessmen of Marshfield, Pittsville, Granton,
City Point and Neillsville, besides a number of teachers
from the country schools round about, and Miss Kathryn
Wright, the new Supervising teacher. All together was
made up a most harmonious and happy crowd of people.
"Three Friends
Motorcycle West in 1935"