Christ Lutheran Church

Chili, Fremont Twp., Clark Co., WI




Christ Lutheran Church (1949)


On April 28, 1907, a constitution was formed for the beginning of Christ Lutheran Church in Chili. The men who signed the constitution were: Albert Gotter, Edward Duckow, Emil Basselman, and Albert Degner.


Arrangements were made to rent the Methodist Church in Chili for 50 cents each time used. In 1912 a church building in the Town of Lynn was purchased and moved to Chili to its present site. Mr. William Voight rebuilt the church. Rev. Buenger was the first pastor. The first organist was Vivian Degner, age ten years. Eleven pastors have served here. Rev. Roland Roehrs is the present pastor. Mrs. Harold Montag has been the organist since 1925, except for about five years in the thirties when Mrs. Gerald Dankemyer (Esther Beil) was organist. Mrs. Norman Faber is now the sub-organist.


The Ladies Aid Societv of this church was organized in 1927 at the home of Mrs. Anna Montag with eleven charter members. She acted as the first president. Mrs. Marvin Menger is president now, Mrs. Norman Faber, Treasurer, Mrs. Henry Grottke Jr., Secretary, and Mrs. Melvin Bandt, Sunshine Chairman. Mrs. Anna Montag, Mrs. Minnie Beil and Mrs. Laura Beil are the remaining charter members.


The church was remodeled and enlarged In 1948. In 1970 an addition was made to the basement for rest rooms and larger kitchen. The entire church upstairs was carpeted in 1973.


Church officers in 1973 are: President, Mr. Marvin Menger; Secretary and Financial Secretary, Elmer Steffen; Treasurer, Victor Seehafer; Deacons, Harley Loos, Robert Brett, and Engvold Brue; Trustees, Melvin Bandt, Harold Montag, and Arvin Bell; Custodian, Melvin Bandt; Sunday School Superintendent, Mrs. Henry Grottke; Church Extension Fund Chairman, Mr. Henry Grottke; Lutheran Laymen League Representative, Mr. Gerald Dankemeyer. Walther League officers are: President, Jane Lovik; Vice President, Kristine Boushon; Secretary, Joan Tysver; Treasurer, Bonnie Bandt.