September 22, 2022, Page 9

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"


Extracted by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.


Index of "Oldies" Articles


Clark County News

September 26, 1971


Postponed fall festival events at Granton Sunday


Last Sunday’s activities of the Granton Fall Festival had to be cancelled because of inclement weather, but all activities will take place Sunday, September 26.


They include the 2 p.m. parade, carnival rides, stage show, steer contest, chicken and food stands and refreshments. Additional entertainment will include Mike Briski and his concertina at 1 p.m. and Bill Glass, state horseshoe pitching champion, who will perform following the parade.


Top winner in the tractor rodeo was Bill Dahl, with Francis Waller and Larry Meddaugh placing second and third. In the fun show, Sandra Scheel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scheel of Chili, placed first.


Forty frogs competed in the frog jumping contest with the farthest frog coming from Fort Atkinson. It was too long a drive for him, as he only jumped four feet. Winner was Darrell Roehl of Chili, whose frog jumped nine feet, six inches.


The fruit and vegetable show was the largest ever. The top entries were a 110- pound pumpkin entered by Loren Meddaugh of Granton, and a 12-foot stalk of corn entered by Roger Garbisch of Granton.


Marian Dietrich was awarded grand champion prize on her flower entries. Twenty tractors entered the mini-pull contest. They were from Granton, Colby, Nekoosa, Neillsville and Princeton. Class A winner was Ted Polzin of Colby; Class B winner, Art Gregory, Granton; Class C, Ralph Jannene, Colby, who also placed first in Class D.


The winners in the pass, punt and kick contest in each age group were Ronald Martin, Chili; Jeff Lavey, Granton; Tim Voight, Neillsville; and Peter Bartsch, Granton.


Transport manager injured in mishap


LaVern Fankhauser, Neillsville, manager of the Neillsville Co-op Transport, was injured seriously when the pickup truck he was driving crashed into a loose spare tire and rim on I-94, four miles west of Eau Claire, last Thursday night.


Fankhauser was taken to Sacred Heart Hospital, Eau Claire, where he was reported suffering from fractured ribs and lacerations about the head.


Fankhauser was reported to have started to pass a tractor-semi rig and moved into the passing lane. Directly in front lay a spare tire and rim which apparently had fallen from a tractor unit which had preceded his unit and the one he was passing.


He was unable to avoid the collision. The pickup truck was thrown end-over-end.


Travelers Motel sale disclosed


Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Trimberger of Neillsville have purchased the Travelers Motel on the west side of the city from Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wardynski. The Wardynski’s have owned and operated the business for approximately the last eight years.


The Trimbergers, who are well known in the area, will take possession of their new property on Saturday, September 25. Trimberger recently resigned his position as a state probation and parole officer.


City snowmobilers elect officers


Members of the Neillsville Snowmobile Club elected officers at the group’s fall organizational meeting held Monday evening at the Lynn Mutual building. New officers are “Happy” Ehlers, president; Lloyd Meyer, vice-president; and Mrs. Sarah Pekol, secretary-treasurer.


Don Kirn of the county forestry and parks department explained the new county snowmobile ordinance and also told of two new snowmobile trails which are presently being developed.


Rainfall delays corn harvest


Farmers are busy filling their silos, finishing their second crop hay and some are combining their oats. Some had trouble last week getting stuck in their corn fields. The drizzly rain all day Sunday probably will cause them more trouble.


Ladies meet


 The Cannonville Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Oliver Williams Wednesday afternoon instead of at the church due to the cool weather. Mrs. Ralph Short will be hostess at the October 20 meeting.


New shed


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kuhn had a new 44 by 96-foot machine shed and garage built last week.


Cattanach will succeed Barr here for power company


Robert Cattanach, a native of Owen and a longtime employee of Northern States Power company, has been appointed district superintendent succeeding Charles Barr of Neillsville, effective October 1. Mr. Barr will retire after service of more than three decades with the power company.


Mr. Cattanach has been located in the Eau Claire office of the power company for the last eight years. Prior to that he was manager of the Thorp office.


The Cattanach family presently is building a house on the extension of the Dutch Hallow road, adjacent to No. Two fairway at the Neillsville Country Club.


Mr. Cattanach is a member of a prominent Owen family. His brother, Bert, served for several years as a member of the Clark County board of supervisors.


Kiwanis to observe anniversary Oct. 2


O.L. Enstad, Wausau, governor of the Wisconsin- Upper Michigan district of Kiwanis International will be the main speaker at the Neillsville Kiwanis Club’s 50-year anniversary observance scheduled for Monday, October 4. A 7:30 p.m. dinner will be served at Bali Hai Supper Club.


Master of Ceremonies for the occasion will be Kiwanian Wayne Grap. A brief history of the club will be presented by Jess Scott, a past president of the local group.


Past presidents of the Neillsville Kiwanis Club, along with other former Kiwanians and members of other Neillsville service organizations, will be invited to attend the event.


The club’s actual founding date is listed as June 15, 1921, but the official charter was granted in September of that year.


Ayrshire calf tops $360 at sale


An Ayrshire calf brought top price of $360 at the first annual calf project sale of the Clark County Interbreed Association at the fairgrounds last Saturday.


The calf, Valley Land Ace Kitty, was bred by Bill Jacobson of Humbird, and was purchased by Craig Erich of Spencer.


A Guernsey bred by Edward Rossow of Loyal brought the second highest price of the sale, $300, from Paul Harder of Neillsville.


Seven of the eight calves sold were bought back by the young people who had raised them. Other sales included:


Star Fortune Michelle, an Ayrshire bred by Art Gaddis of Withee, purchased for $265 by Julie Rowley of Loyal.


Magic Guy’s Gerty of Myjosee, a Jersey bred by John and Myrtle Seefeldt of Granton, was purchased for $250 by Charles Bizjak of Greenwood.


Hemlock’s Beauty Gypsy, a Jersey bred by James Rice of Greenwood, brough $250 from Linda Volovsek of Willard.


Sprucell Billy Downelle, a Guernsey bred by Dennis Larson of Loyal, brought $245 from Carl Ihlefeld of Spencer.


Edchar Adonis Stormy Gale, a Jersey bred by Charles Seefeldt of Granton, brought $240 from Kathy Martens of Loyal; and


Euchar Predictor Katrina Karla, a Jersey bred by Charles Seefeldt of Granton brought $200 from William Montgomery of Granton.


Don Wagner, vocational agriculture teacher at Greenwood High School, served as auctioneer.


Births at Memorial Hospital


A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fink, Granton, September 2.


A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cook, Loyal, September 3.


Twin daughters to Mr. and Mrs. Neal Vater, Loyal, September 3.


 A son to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Herron, Jr., Neillsville, September 5.


A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mohr, Neillsville, September 6.


A son to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hediger, Jr., Neillsville, September 6.


‘Star’ to honor 25-year members


Twenty-five-year members will be honored at the next meeting of Carmi Chapter, No. 60, Order of Eastern Star, at Neillsville next Tuesday. Notices of the meeting were sent a few weeks ago, and many people from out of town, as well as those in the Neillsville area, are expected. Certificates will be awarded by the chapter.


At the first regular meeting of the fall, September 7, past matrons and patrons were honored. Eleven past matrons were present: Mrs. Ione Bruhn, Mrs. Evelyn Schwantes, Mrs. Ruth Van Gorden, Mrs. Alta Allen, Mrs. Elizabeth Crothers, Mrs. Eileen Palmer, Mrs. Fern Holt, Mrs. Viola Sherren, Mrs. Nancy Tresemer, Mrs. Ruth Dern and Mrs. Emilie Albrecht.


Past patrons present were Richard Albrecht and Fred Palmer.


As a part of the ceremony honoring those who have served their chapter, Miss Mary Peters, Neillsville high school senior, sang “Amazing Grace,” taken from her grandmother’s hymnal, and “Do Lord.”


Junior Kiwanian


Keith Steiger, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Steiger of Neillsville, has been named Junior Kiwanian of the month by the Neillsville Kiwanis Club. Keith is a senior at Neillsville High School. 


Airman Duane A. Hilber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex S. Hilber, Sr., of Colby, has completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Tex. He has been assigned to Keesler AFB, Miss., for training in communications electronics systems. Airman Hilber is a 1971 graduate of Colby High School.

(Press photo September 26, 1971)





This year’s Rotary Swine recipients are l to r – Richard Kuhn, Mike Mitte, William Kernz and Glen Luchterhand (not shown). Shaking hands with William Kernz is Dr. Jenkins, president of the Neillsville Rotary Club. Looking on is Herman Seebandt, FFA advisor and Vo. Ag. instructor. Each recipient receives four gifts from the Rotary Club and in return he provides four gifts for one of next year’s recipients.

(Press photo September 26, 1971).



Tom Lindloff, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Norman Lindloff of Neillsville and a freshmen at Northwestern College, Watertown, is making quite a showing on the Trojan gridiron. Tom, weighing 175 pounds, is working as a guard in the offensive line and as a defensive linebacker. (Press photo September 26, 1971)





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