Clark County Press, Neillsville, Wisconsin

August 8, 2018 Page 10  

Contributed by "The Clark Co. Press"

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 


Compiled by Dee Zimmerman


Clark County News

August 1878


Robert Schofield has commenced the building of a very large and elegant residence at Greenwood.  From the plans shown us by Mr. Montgomery of this place, who has the contract, we judge that the house will, for some at least, exceed anything in the county in point of size and finish.  It will be replete with all the modern improvements in hydraulic and heating arrangements.  It will be located near the Greenwood turnpike facing the road leading from that to the sawmill.


(The Scofield house still remains on its site, a historical marker of the era in which it was built. DZ)


There will be a grove meeting held on the 7th and 8th of August, in the Town of York, near the center of the town, half mile west of Camp Diamond, by the North Branch of O’Neill Creek.


Camp Diamond may have been a logging camp location.  The grove meetings referred to were led by a traveling minister who delivered sermons to area residents.  The grove was also located near the present York Center Methodist Church.  DZ)                                                   


Mr. Jesse  Lowe was treated to a free ride on Tuesday on the horns of an infuriated heifer, which he was leading.  It might have been a serious matter, as the animal meant business, but by main strength and some presence of mind Mr. Lowe speedily put an end to further mischief by shooting the infuriated beast, which would probably otherwise have run amok through the streets.  The animal pitched straight into Mr. Lowe and carried him across the street, but he singularly escaped with only a little bruise on the side of the head.


(Jesse Lowe owned and operated a butcher shop in the city at that time. DZ) 


Progress is being made in the Road Building in Northern Clark County.


In Town of Sherman: Mr. I.H. Whitney a resident of said town, to build one mile and ninety rods of road, beginning near the Cole schoolhouse, at the southeast corner of Sec. 10 T. 26 R. 1 E and following the section line west one mile and ninety rods, for $500.


In the Town of Unity: Mr. Cullen Ayer, chairman of the Town of Unity, took the job of building one mile and fifteen rods, beginning at the southwest corner of Sec. 5 T. 27 R. 1 E, thence east one-half mile, then north one-half mile, thence east fifteen rods, for the sum of $500.                           


The ice famine, which has reached nearly every part of the country, has at last struck this place. The supply was originally very short for the season, besides this the quality of the stock was very poor, and during the torrid days of July it melted in the ice-houses as if it would be in an April shower.  The ice secured last winter was, but 14 inches and it was of very poor quality.  All dealers have stopped regular sales and will reserve the little they have left for their own use, or for emergencies that are liable to arise.


A violent hailstorm passed over the county on Tuesday.  Hailstones measuring from one to two inches in diameter are reported from different sections.  At Loyal, a hailstone of two inches caliber hit William Halleck on the head and knocked him down, which is about all the damage that has been reported.


The blackberry harvest is about the largest ever known in this county.  Thousands of bushels will go to waste within a few miles of here after everybody has been supplied with enough for three meals a day until another crop ripens.


(Apparently that year had ideal weather conditions, so the wild blackberries grew abundantly in the woods and around the nearby mounds.  There are some blackberry bushes that can still be found in those areas. DZ)


Recently we saw specimens of two varieties of apples raised by Mr. J. A. Kimball of this town, that measured twelve inches in circumference.  Both varieties bear marks of the recent hailstorm, but do not seem to be injured by it.                                                                                                         


Some of the smart young men who can see something very cute by disturbing the repose of a newly married couple by blowing horns and beating gongs, got very badly taken in last Monday evening.  They thought there had been a wedding where there had not.  As there is just as much sense in making an unearthly noise and keeping people awake when there had not been a wedding as when there has, it gave those engaged in it a chance to see themselves as others see them.                         


$1 Specials at Blakeslee’s – 7- 3 lb. cans standard Tomatoes for  $1: 7 – 2 lb. cans Cove Oysters for $1; 16 lbs. Best Peaches, halves, for $1; 4 lbs. Best ground Rio Coffee for $1; 4 lbs. good Japan Tea $1.


Several parties of prairie chicken shooters have left this place and have returned from the prairies already, disgusted with the chances.  The chicken crop is a failure and the truth is becoming enforced upon old sportsmen that their favorite sport is about at an end forever in these parts.  The Prairie chicken is fast becoming extinct.


(After the virgin timber had all been cut off the southwestern part of Clark County, the prairie chicken thrived on the cutover barren land.  There was a rebound in their numbers from circa 1900 through the 1920s, when once again the prairie chickens became abundant.  During the 1930s, the CCC and WPA workers helped transplant tree saplings throughout the area, a program that developed the Clark County Forest, and again the prairie chickens disappeared.


About 30 years ago, an elderly gentleman who had grown up near Fairchild told of he and his brother, as teenagers, in the fall going out early in the day to hunt prairie chickens north of Fairchild.  After bagging several prairie chickens, they would return home, clean the birds and take them to the train depot to be sent on the late afternoon train to Chicago, where the birds were sold to restaurants. DZ)


August 1943


Alva  S. Clumpner will return to his old post as game warden, succeeding Allen Champney.  Mr. Clumpner is released from the armed service just as Mr. Champney is being called to serve in it.


A meeting of workers in civilian defense has been called for Thursday evening, August 5, at the Greenwood High School.  The purpose is to explain in detail the warning system now in effect in Wisconsin for blackouts and enemy air raids.


The notice of the meeting has been given to about 75 local workers by A. C. Covell, commander of the Citizens Defense Corps.  The program will be in charge of D. J. Scory, district communications officer of Wisconsin State Council of Defense.                                                                                       


As a further protection against misuse of gasoline ration coupons, motorists and all other gasoline users, effective immediately, must make necessary endorsements on all coupons as soon as any new ration books are issued to them.  Phil H. Griffin, La Crosse, district director of the Office Price Administration announced today.  Likewise, endorsements on coupons already in their possession must be made by July 22, if they have not already been written in.                                                                     


Gambles Store Special!


Dinette Sets: Dining Table and Four Chairs; handsomely styled; done in oak, stained in pastel shades and tastefully decorated.  Just the thing to make the breakfast nook attractive, $24.95.


Probably the record for this area for the number in a single family in the service of the armed forces goes to the Sniegowski family, Town of Reseburg, south of Thorp.  Five sons of Mr. and Mrs. John Sniegowski are in the service and two sons-in-law, making a total of seven.  One is in the navy; the others are in the army, scattered from training camps in the United States to the battlefronts of North Africa and the Far East.


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaier of Granton receive a letter dated July 11 from their son W/O LaVerne C. Gaier, in Australia, stating he is now a commissioned officer.  He received his warrant officer bars July 10.


Pvt. Donald Kunze left Wednesday from Eau Claire via the “400” after a week’s furlough spent with his folks in Neillsville.  Pvt. Kunze, who is serving in the Medical Corps, is located at Camp Byther, N.C.


The Roy Dursts, Town of Foster, have three boys in the armed services, addressed as follows: Pfc. James Durst, 1200th M.P. Co. Av., Camp Ripley, Little Falls, Minn.; Evan S. Durst, S 2/c, Navy radio station navy 1359, Flee Post office, San Francisco; Raymond L. Durst, S 2/c, D.E. Crew No. 246, naval training station, Norwalk, Va.                                                                              


Mrs. Erwin Moldenhauer needs no war to make her a gardener.  She has gardened year after year in peace, walking from the store on Hewett Street to a garden patch on the southeast part of town.  This year her garden is a little bigger than usual, and is located on State Street, where the Moldenhauers own a property.  Mrs. Moldenhauer makes her garden produce, having recently canned nine quarts of beans from a short row.


In addition to her store and home duties, Mrs. Moldenhauer keeps up a steady campaign of canning.  She thus far has put up 27 quarts of chicken and 15 quarts of chicken soup.


A cut in basic gasoline rations of 25 percent became effective Monday of this week.  Each coupon in the A books is good for three gallons instead of four.


The readjustment has been made upon the order of Harold Ickes, fuel administrator, who takes the position that the use of gasoline ought to be equalized between the east and the Midwest now that the new pipeline has eased the transportation problem to the east.


(Class A drivers were allowed three gallons of gasoline per week.  Each driver had to be conservative, selective in traveling.  Class B drivers wee allowed 8 gallons per week; Class T drivers such as doctors, mail carriers, truck drivers were allowed maximum amounts of gasoline.  DZ)


Annual Bazaar, August 29, 1943

Holy Family Church – Chicken Dinner,

Adults 60’, Children 30’

Willard, Wis.


(Holy Family Catholic Church continues to hold the Annual Chicken Dinner in August of each year, which now would be over 75 years. DZ)                                                           


Mrs. Zilisch has a way to invite the consumption of lots of apples.  She does it by cutting them into small pieces, with the core out, and serving them on a side dish, placed by each plate, easy to eat with every meal.  In a family of four, in twenty years the Zilisch family did not have any doctors around.


The Martin Zilisch family owns a place of five acres on South Park Street.  They are on the edge of the city, in the agricultural zone.


Upon this five acres they have a large garden, which supplies all the vegetables they need for eating fresh and canning; they have a substantial area in hay, intended for goat feed; they have 85 fruit trees, and they keep four goats of a milking strain.  The goats also eat the weeds pulled from the garden the outer leaves of the cabbage, lettuce, chard and beet tops, so there is no waste.  This is a close unified enterprise in which there is the maximum of efficiency and economy.                                             


Carlyle, Pa. will be the location of Dr. Horace Frank when he leaves today, Thursday, to be commissioned as captain in the Army.  After six weeks in Pennsylvania, he expects to be sent to Camp Shelby, Mississippi.  Mrs. Frank and their two daughters will remain in Neillsville for the present.


Wanted – Cranberry Harvest Workers on Wisconsin Marshes!  Starting Sept. 15, Earn Extra Money! Good Wages!  Work for able-bodied men to rake berries and handle the crop.  Farm draft status not impaired.  Extra gas rationing coupons are available to harvest workers.


Apply at Clark County Agricultural Agent, Courthouse, Neillsville, Phone 242.  All workers will be assigned to marshes nearest their homes.  Housing and board are available at some marshes.


Let’s fight the Enemy, Not each other.  Let’s be patient, be considerate, keep smiling and Carry On, we’ve got a war to win!                                                                                                     


Schultz Bros. Company’s Back-to-School Specials!  * 5’ to $1 Merchandise *

Pencils, all colors 5 for 5’ -  Pencil Tablet, only 5’; Filled Pencil Boxes 29’; Crayons, 16 in Box 10’;

Cotton Polo Shirts 39’; Anklets 15’, 20’, 25’ pr.; - Combs, ribbons, Bows 10’.


You’ll have to save Fuel!  Only 90%  of last years’ supply of coal will be available for civilian consumption this year.


Last year, we heated our homes at 65 degrees.  But with 10 percent less fuel this year, we may run into serious difficulties.


Too many homes today waste heat because the sides and roof will not keep the heat inside.


Insulating with Zon-O-Lite and Balsam Wool are the answer.  See Fullerton Lumber Co., Russell Larson, Mgr. Neillsville, Wis.                                                                                           


Flies Don’t Like Gambles Fly Spray!


But you will like it at milking time. The flies stay off and the cow stands still, 87’ per gallon at Gambles Store.


Chap Paulson, who was born and raised in Clark County, has a great interest in the county’s history during the time he lived here.  He had a collection of historical items such as a Canastota style covered wagon, which was used in the county’s Centennial parade, complete with a trained team of oxen  that pulled the wagon during the parade.





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