Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI

October 7, 1998, Page 32

Transcribed by Dolores (Mohr) Kenyon.

Index of "Oldies" Articles 

The Good Old Days


Compiled by Dee Zimmerman


Clark County News


October 1868


Thomas LaFlesh of Necedah, Juneau County, a former citizen of Clark County, arrived in Neillsville a few days ago. A crew of men accompanied LaFlesh. They came to inspect over 20,000 acres of land, owned by Gen. Washburn.  It is a large job and will keep a crew of loggers busy for several weeks.


A meeting was held in school district No. 1, at the school house in the Town of Weston.  The following business was transacted: W. H. Race was elected clerk and L. R. Stafford, treasurer.  The taxed vote was as follows: to the teacher for ten months, $400; $260 was appropriated for town orders on hand; $50 to increase the library; $25 to pay for librarian services and $25 for incidental expenses.


Hewett, Woods & Co., have put up a Fairbanks hay scales near their old store building.  It has been long needed.


Our Clark County jail caught fire last Wednesday morning.  The fire started by some defect in the stove pipe.  However the fire was extinguished before any serious damage was done.


Henry Staring and Ed Markey are finishing up rooms in the barber shop building for an oyster saloon this winter.  They both have had experience in the business and know how to dish up oysters in the “latest improved style.”  Be sure to try them; you will agree to the delicacy.


Within the past few weeks our county has been literally swarmed with Indians composed mostly (of) Pottawatomie, some Menominee and Chippewa.  Their object here is to hunt and trap.  Recently, they were driven from Wood County and they have now taken refuge here.  A meeting was held at the courthouse yesterday to consider the problems in feeding the Indians.  They have been digging potatoes from area gardens, picking corn from the fields, catching chickens, etc.  A peaceful solution is needed in the dilemma.


The Town of Pine Valley, Clark County, has 198 registered voters as of Oct. 13, 1868.


A lady’s fur cuff was lost today on the road between the residence of George West and Neillsville.  Any person finding the cuff will greatly oblige the owner by leaving it at the Neillsville Post Office.


There will be a donation party at O’Neill’s Hall next Monday evening for the benefit of Rev. James Mair.  An invitation is extended to everyone and a good time is promised to all.


Yesterday, W. T. Hutchinson entered under the Homestead Act, 1,880 acres of farming to two different parties.  One party of five or six person, with families, took 920 acres in township 26, range east.  The other took 960 acres in township 27, one west, one and a half sections.  In both cases the land was all in one tract. Through Hutchinson’s agency, 110,000 acres of land have been taken by Homestead and pre-emption since May 1st.


Some lumbermen have gone into the woods to build camps and make roads preparing to start their winter’s work early.  It is impossible to give an accurate estimate of the amount of logging business to be done this coming winter.  Some are of the opinion, however, there will be 100,000,000 feet logged out.


Charley Peterson has recently started a new shoe shop in the building just west of the old Union House.  He keeps a good stock of material and turns out good work.


There will be a shooting match for turkeys at Staffordville on Nov. 25, the day before Thanksgiving.  E. Blanchard manages the affair and promises to have a large number of turkeys on hand.


The traveling to our area is increasing rapidly.  The stage coach is always full and a crowded extra stage is coming into town almost daily.


October 1908


Wisconsin adopts a new compulsory education law.  All children from when they are seven years of age until they are four-teen years must attend some public, private or parochial school regularly for at least six school months in each year in small towns and villages.  If residents of cities, they must attend at least eight months of school.


You can buy your campaign buttons, fobs, lucky rabbit’s foot and other buttons at Woelffer’s drug store.  Woelffer’s also has actual photographs of Taft and Bryan on postcards, 2 for 5 cents.


Clarence Dunn of the Town of Levis and Miss Eudora Clouse of Loyal were quietly married at Neillsville on Saturday, Sept. 26, by Rev. W. P. Burrows.


I want to sell my farm, two miles east of Neillsville: 160 acres, 40 acres of timber.  Included is a brick house, good barns, water, etc. Write Mrs. Chas. Foote, R. R. 1, Neillsville, Wis.


Work on the Hatfield dam, canal and power plant is progressing nicely.  A representative of the construction company estimated the work will be completed in six weeks.


The General Electric Company is putting in the electrical machinery, setting up generators and other machinery at the power house.  The water wheels are in position and the penstocks of flumes from the end of the canal are in place.  The Green Bay tracks and bridge, just below the dam, have been raised five feet and that portion of the dam is now complete.


Monday morning, Bert Dresden voluntarily declared himself bankrupt and closed the doors of the O’Neill House.  Riley Bros., owners of the hotel property, hustled about after legal talent and on Tuesday the hotel was again open for business.  Mrs. Ellen Paulus, a former proprietress, is now conducting the hotel business.   Yesterday, Max Lange sold his bakery to Joe Bast for $750.  Bast is well known here, as he owned the Lange Bakery at one time, having sold it to Lange.  Edwin Bast will work with his father, Joe, both being expert bakers. 


Prof. Schofield reports that there now are 141 pupils enrolled in the Neillsville High School.  That is the largest number in the history of the school.


Mumm & Co. St. Paul Commission merchants have opened up a station in Neillsville and will buy cream and all farm products.  They have rented the building across the street from Brameld’s store.


When in Neillsville, stop in and eat at Hake’s restaurant across the street from the Merchant’s Hotel.


Withee can now boast of its fine water tower, finest that can be found between Chippewa Falls and Marshfield.  It has a tank 100 feet high with over half a mile of water mains laid and ready to supply everybody with first-rate water.


A new tin roof is being put on the Clark County Courthouse.  Cash Hardware is doing the work.


Lenus Prock shipped 4,000 lbs. of honey to Chicago, Tuesday, for a price of 13 ½ cents per pound.  Prock has 85 swarms of bees and the Tuesday shipment was a portion of this year’s product.  The bee business is a side-line business for Prock, as he cares for the bees in connection with his store in Globe.


A surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Howard, Wednesday evening, in honor of Mr. Howard’s 49th birthday.  He was presented with a beautiful rocking chair, a gift from his friends.  A game of cinch was played and a fine supper was served.


About noon, last Saturday, W. C. Thoma’s stock shed on his farm in Weston caught fire while the family was in town.  The quick action of Thoma’s neighbors enabled bringing the fire under control.  The 220-foot shed adjoined the barn.  The section next to the barn was torn away to keep the fire confined to the shed.


Little Eaudeal Coursjner is the happiest girl in Marshfield.  During fair week, she found a pocketbook containing a roll of bills.  The purse belonged to Robert Kurth of Granton who is a candidate for Clark County treasurer, Democratic ticket.  Kurth was in Marshfield yesterday and presented the little girl with a beautiful gold watch and chain as a reward for returning the money.


Mrs. Mary Peters has sold her hotel, the Eagle House, to Gustav Bergman of Black Creek.  The paperwork on the deal was finalized on Tuesday and Bergman will take possession of the business any time in the next 30 days.  The new owner is a young married man with a family consisting of a wife and three children/ Bergman has had six years of experience in the hotel business.  Mrs. Peters is looking for a suitable house to rent.


October 1938


Clark county farmers have been harvesting their largest corn crop ever this fall – but some are disappointed, just the same.


Not unhappy about the great harvest and the nice weather for picking, but – there are no red corn ears.


Red corn ears turn an ordinary good-time-by-all husking bee into a lot of fun.


It seems that red ears just forgot to grow this year.  The custom is that when a fellow finds a red ear of corn, while husking, he gets to choose the girl he wants to kiss – thus turning “red-faced” in doing so.


There is the case of the husking bee last week at Mrs. Blanche Hewett’s farm.  They husked and husked and husked – 300 bushels worth of husking, to be exact – and nary a red ear could be found.


Some of the more scheming lads got wise to the absence of red ears early in the game, and have been cheating a little by importing red ears.  And, reports have it, some who are lucky enough to find a prized red ear “save it for on the way home.”


More husking bees are being held in the county this year than in any recent years.  Some farmers explain it by the fact that the corn crop yield has been so good this year.  In past years, the harvest wasn’t large enough for a husking bee.


Among the places where husking bees have been held thus for (far) this season are Mrs. Hewett’s farm, Elmer Garbisch’s, Otto Dux’s, Mrs. Anne Zank’s, E. C. Short’s, A. Magnuson’s, Vern Howard’s, George Vine’s, Ray Nickles, Frank Dobe’s, J. E. Hughes’, Raymond Sternitzky’s, Ludwig Perushek’s, Joe Tolaney’s, Fred Sternitzky’s and Erick Lueck’s.


There will be a plum pudding supper at the Pleasant Ridge Church on October 27 beginning at 5:30 p.m. Prices will be 50¢ and 25¢.


Reeves pheasants are planted in Clark County.  Upland game hunters should be on the lookout for Reeves pheasants.  The game division of the state conservation department recently completed experimental planting in the county, Conservation Warden, Alva Clumpner of Loyal has warned.


A protected species, the Reeves pheasants were planted in Section 32, township 27 north, range one east.


The Reeves pheasant originated in northern China and is known as the “sky rocket” because of its terrific flight.  The principle color of the cock is gold, barred with black and white.  Colors of the hens are much less vivid.


The Granton High School and grade school are holding their annual carnival October 28, starting at 7:30 p.m.  Proceeds will be used toward the purchase of athletic equipment.

Watch for the new Mercury “8”, an entirely new car by Ford, soon to be on display at Seif & Byse Sales Co.


McCain’s offer an early sale on Winter clothing.  Ladies winter coats starting at $10.95, boxy and fitted styles.  New colors with lots of style dresses as low as $4.95.  Peasant aprons, novel prints, 49¢ to 70¢.


Over 100 ladies hats, choice of colors & styles, $1.95 to $3.95.


If you want to avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.


The Neillsville waterworks plant along the banks of the Black River on the city’s north side, as it appeared in the early 1900s.  The trees were small, growing back after the logging crews had cut down all of the virgin timber.



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