Clark County Press, Neillsville, WI August 12, 1993, Page 28. Transcribed by Janet Schwarze. Index of "Good Old Days" Articles
Good Old Days
Represented Businesses: O'Neill, Marsh, H. W. Kloph Jewlery; Wolff Korman Wagons; Anna Welsch Millinery Goods; W. J. Brewster Dentistry; Kemmeter Gaertner General Merchandise; O. P. Wells Stoves & Tinware; Kerns & Johnson Gent's Furniture; William Mundt's "The Fashion" Fine Wine, Liquors & Cigars; Cornish, Curtis & Green Manufacturers of High Grade Dairy Goods, Ft. Atkinson Wis.; Neillsville Milling Co.; The Times Pub. Co., Neillsville; WI; Marsh Bros. Dry Goods; C. Rabenstein, Printer; Enckhausen and Ascott Drugs; A. J. Knorr Co., Granton, Wis.; A. S. Leason & Son Wind Mills & Pumps; C. Servaty & Co., General Merchandise; Walk Bros., Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Notions, Etc.
The Clark County Fair in September, 1898 had interesting events. Then, as now, county businesses purchased space in the Premium List Booklet for advertising their procucts, merchandise, etc. Some of those ads from the Fair Booklet have been copied and appear on this page. It is interesting to read what those stores were selling.
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