News: Granton Locals (6 Jan 1906)


Surnames: Beaver, Knorr, Davis, Pierrelee, Stockwell, Finnegan, Marx, Mabie, Nanstad, Kintzele, Wage, Gereke, Brand, Hart Downer Johnson, Snyder, Wright, Beeckler, Dankemeyer, Baer, Teasdale, Sternitzky, Daughhetee, Christman, Osgood, Tucker, Meyers, Wage, Holmes, Mason, Fuller, Lee, Soles, Brown, Hornbeck, Zwick, Campbell, Garvin, Daughhetee, Becker, Singer, Albrecht, Downer, Arndt, Dankemeyer, Hass, Tietz, Brooks, Lokken, Schnare, Marsh, Opelt, Stillman, Hallock, Winslow, Nichols, Pietenpol, Winn, Kemmeter, Jackisch, Hughes, Nelson, Williams, Garbush


----Source: Granton News (Granton, Clark Co., Wis.)  01/06/1906


Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beaver drove to Neillsville Sunday.


Mrs. A.J. Knorr was a Neillsville shopper on Saturday.


Fred Davis transacted business at Marshfield Saturday morning.


Eugene Pierrelee transacted business at Auburndale late last week.


Mr. and Mrs. S.R. Davis entertained a large company of relatives at dinner Monday.


C.S. Stockwell, the county surveyor was here Saturday morning engaged with surveying for A.J. Knorr.


Miss Ethel Finnegan took the 11 a.m. train Saturday for Kurth and visited over Sunday at Mat Marx’s.


Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mabie drove up to Christie and spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nanstad.


Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kintzele entertained a host of relatives at dinner New Years.


Miss Gladys Wage resumed teaching at Cedarhurst Tuesday after a 5 week vacation.


Lizzetta and Martha Gereke went to Neillsville Saturday evening and spent Sunday with Rev. Brand’s family, returning home on Monday afternoon.


Mrs. Hiram L. Hart, who spent several days of last week here with Mrs. Home Downer, returned home to Neillsville Saturday evening.


R.B. Johnson of Stevens Point, cashier of the citizens National Bank there, was a New Year’s guest of his sister Mrs. L.A. Marsh.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder and little sons went to Neillsville on the noon train Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Snyder there, returning home early the next morning.


The Misses Bessie Wright and Ora Marsh were made happy on Christmas by being made the recipients of gold watches, the gifts of their respective brothers Roy and Lynn.


A.J. Knorr, E.A. Beeckler, Sidney R. Davis, L.S. Davis, August Dankemeyer and F.J. Baer went to Neillsville Saturday evening and attended convocation of Masonic Chapter.


Floyd Teasdale of Richland Center, a cheese maker of that place, arrived here Saturday night for a three week visit at the home of his uncle J.B. Daughhetee.


Henry Sternitzky and son Walter drove over Sunday morning in time for the 11 a.m. train which Walter took enroute to Madison and his studies there.


Invitations were out for the 10th wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Beeckler which occurred last evening, Jan. 4, 1906, but owing to our going to press before the event came off, we were unable to report it this week.  Suffice it to say that all present enjoyed themselves.  Particulars will be available next week.


On account of the new railroad law which compels railroads to collect passenger fares in full at the 3 cents per mile rate for number of miles traveled, it will affect the local rates on the Marshfield line as follows:  Marshfield fare is at present 45 cents, will be 46 cents; Chili is 20 cents, will be 18; Kurth is 5 cents, will be 6; Neillsville is 20 cents, will be 22, etc.  New rates go into effect on this road Jan. 15, 1906.


D.F. Christman and son transacted business in town Tuesday.


Mrs. Almeda Osgood is seriously ill at the home of Eugene Osgood.


A.H. Tucker still continues on the sick list, though steadily improving.


Miss Meyers of Neillsville is spending the week here with Miss Ethel Finnegan.


Bernice Stockwell of Marshfield came over Tuesday to spend the balance of the week with relatives.


Mr. and Mrs. T.D. Wage and daughter Dora were in attendance at the Farmers Institute at Lynn Wednesday.


Miss Helen Holmes of Greenwood arrived here Tuesday evening for a visit at her uncle Homer Downer’s.


Mot Osgood has taken up his residence at Fisk Lee’s, engaged with assisting about the farm this winter.


Mrs. Laura Mason and Mrs. John Fuller drove up and called at T.F. Lee’s Tuesday evening.


Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Baer and baby Helen enjoyed New Years at C.D. Stockwell’s in Marshfield.


Dr. F.A. Soles of Spencer arrived on Monday evening’s train, having been called here professionally.


The Forest House presented its patrons with a pretty and useful souvenir in the shape of an aluminum pocket cob and case.


Miss Hazel Brown, who spent the holiday vacation week here with her friend Beulah Hornbeck, returned to her studies at Ashland Academy on New Year’s Day.


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zwick, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Knorr drove to Loyal and enjoyed New Year’s dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garvin.


For Sale: A full blooded Durham bull milking strain, coming 3 years old in spring, color dark red and weighing about 1500 pounds.  Will be sold at a sacrifice to the early purchaser, Jud Canfield, owner.


J.B. Daughhetee and Otto Becker left here Tuesday evening for Milwaukee where they are attending the annual convention of the Wis. Cheese makers which opened on Wednesday and closes today.


Will Singer and H. Albrecht drive into town Tuesday with a fractious colt and when nearing Home Downer’s on the way out, Sir colt side-stepped, pranced, and snorted, lunged, Kicked and broke loose, taking the harness and thills with him., going at such a pace as to soon be lost to view.  He was caught near the old Arndt place and brought back to Downer’s where, after considerable patching of the harness and tying up of the thills, he was again hitched to the cutter and the last we saw of him he appeared quite docile and ready to make the balance of the trip in a manner quite pleasing to all concerned.


Mrs. Frank Danekemeyer visited at Chili late last week, returning home Sunday noon.


Chas. Beeckler returned last eve from his two weeks trip and visit at Waldo.


The Ladies Aid of the Lutheran Church of Rev. Hass’ parish will meet next Wednesday with Mrs. Aug. Tietz.


Miss Elsie Brooks of Lynn was the guest of her friend Dora Wage here on Tuesday.


John Lokken is home from Taylor, Wis., for an extended visit with his parents here.


Mrs. L.E. Schnare and daughter Edna went to Wasua Monday for a brief visit with friends there.


Little Agnes Marsh was on the sick list early this week, the trouble being sore throat.


Miss Hope Marsh went to Neillsville Monday and attended the military ball there that evening.


Max Opelt was seen on our streets Monday and transacted business at Marshfield between trains that afternoon.


Take care of your children’s teeth, especially between the age of 10 and 20 years.  It is the most critical time.  Have them examined every six months by Dr. Stillman of Granton.


James Hallock of Nebraska arrived here Saturday for an extended visit among relatives.


Arthur Winslow, a young man, arrived here from New York Saturday for a month visit at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Geo. Nichols.


A considerable number of young people met and enjoyed Monday eve at the H.J. Pietenpol home.


Mr. and Mrs. H.J. Pietenpol entertained a company of friends at dinner last Sunday in honor of Mrs. Glass of California.


Rev. and P.H. Hass went to Loyal Tuesday where they attended the Wiener conference held there Wednesday and Thursday.


Miss Pearl Hallock and brother Rufus, who had been home for the holidays, returned to Bethel Monday.


Miss Bessie Wright, who is teaching at Withee, after spending the holidays at home, left for there on Tuesday.


Mrs. John Fuller, Mrs. Laura Nason and Mot Osgood were among the New Year’s dinner guests at John Wright’s.


Clifford and Earl Winn, and Neil Downer put in 3 hours Wednesday engaged in fox hunting, which resulted in the running down and killing of 2 fine ones.


Miss Edna Kemmeter, who has been at home here for several weeks past spending her holiday vacation expects to leave for Menasha and her studies there tomorrow.


Alvin Winters of Ladysmith, well known to many of our readers, has recently become the benedict and set up housekeeping for himself.


L.S. Davis, Robert Jackisch and the Misses Bessie Beeckler, Maggie Hughes and Gertrude Holms, after the holidays spent at home, left here Tuesday morning for Stevens Point and their studies there.


Miss Eunice Nelson of Jefferson left here Wednesday afternoon, after a 6 day visit with her sister Mrs. H.E. Williams.  She is now spending a few days with Neillsville friends, though enroute for home.


A terrific snow storm struck us early Wednesday morning and continued throughout the entire day.  The rural carriers made their usual trips, but returned with tired and jaded looking teams.  No pedestrians ventured out for pleasure and business about town was very quiet.


Mr. and Mrs. Dave Garbush celebrated their respective birthdays and New Year’s Day all at once, Monday.  A triple celebration, and the best part of it all was that it was a genuine surprise party to both Mr. and Mrs. Garbush.  Their neighbors coming in with well filled baskets furnished the main stay for the fine lunch spread and enjoyed about midnight.



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