News: North Pine Valley (28 May 1914)


Contact: Ann Stevens


Surnames: Young, Shaw, Seelow, Coughlin, Trogner, Monk, May, Pfughoeft


----Source:  Neillsville Times (Neillsville, Clark County, Wis.)  May 28, 1914


North Pine Valley (28 May 1914)


Mrs. Young of Wausau came up Wednesday and spent a few days with her sister, who has been quite sick.


Jerome Shaw was in this vicinity Friday buying cattle.


Wm. Seelow was kicked by one of his horses one day last week.


Mrs. Coughlin spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Trogner.


Dr. Monk was called to the May home.


F. Pflughoeft returned to Christie to finish his mason job Monday.



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