News: Twenty-Six Road (30 Aug 1901)

Contact: Chris Barney

Surnames: Bibby, Blecha, Boyce, Fahey, Garvin, Heaslett, Hoffman, Jenks, Mabie, McConnell, Nichol, Rogers, Ware, Zetsche, Ackerman, Adams, Bass, Brown, Dean, Gerhardt, Klinke, Lehnard, Lyon, Neff, Richmond

----Source: The Greenwood Gleaner (Greenwood, Clark Co., Wi.) 30 Aug 1901


Wedding bells will soon be ringing.

Helen Bibby has gone to Eau Claire on a visit.

Robbie McConnell is working for Mrs. Fahey.

Mr. and Mrs. Nichol were Loyal visitors Sunday.

Flossie and Harry Garvin drove to Neillsville Friday.

Lida Bass returned to her home in Neillsville Friday.

Henry Mabie and wife were visiting friends north of Greenwood Sunday.

Mrs. Heaslett and Mrs. Lehnard were the guests of Mrs. Zetsche Friday.

Mrs. Angela Lyon and Mrs. Neff of Neillsville passed through here Sunday evening.

Brown, the cattle man, has been calling on the farmers in this vicinity recently.

Mr. Dean's people of York were visiting at the home of Mr. Ware one day last week.

Mrs. Adams of Eau Claire has been here on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman.

Mrs. Ware and Mrs. Boyce attended divine service at the Shanks M.E. church Sunday.

(Dan?) Fahey and Harry Heaslett made a trip to Neillsville Saturday on very important business.

M. Boyce has his basement finished and now has men at work hewing the timbers for his barn.

Mrs. Zetsche and Mrs. Tom Fahey drove down to Pleasant Ridge Saturday to see Mrs. Gerhardt.

We failed to mention in our items last week that Jenks Bros. creamery had received a coat of paint.

Mrs. L.C. Rogers and Dannie were visiting with Mr. Ackerman's family west of Neillsville Saturday and Sunday.

Dr. Richmond of Loyal passed through here several times last week on his way to see Mrs. McConnell, who has been quite ill.

Annie Klinke, who has been making an extended visit with the Blecha people, returned to her home in Milwaukee Saturday.

The worst storm of the season struck this place Sunday night. It began at 10 o'clock and continued until nearly 1. The lightning and thunder was something terrible. We did not hear of any damage being done, but we venture to say there were a number of frightened people all the same.
