Church: Colby - German Ev. St. John’s Church (20th Anniv. - 1911)

Contact: Stan

Surnames: Bizer, Koch, Fleer, Bastow, Pinney, Lahr

----Source: Colby Phonograph (Colby, Clark County, Wis.) 29 Jun 1911

Twentieth Anniversary a Success

The twentieth anniversary of the German Ev. St. John’s church, last Sunday, was a success in every particular. The large attendance was swelled by delegations from Stevens Point, Marshfield, Medford, Dorchester and Athens. The morning service was in German and conducted by the resident pastor, Rev. J. Bizer, assisted by Revs. Koch of Athens, and Lahr of Curtiss. The afternoon services in the church park, consisting of selections by the young people, music by the Bandonia orchestra and singing by the Stevens Point and Colby choirs, were largely attended and enjoyed by all. The evening services were in English and conducted by Rev. H. A. Fleer of Stevens Point, assisted by the M. E. pastor, Rev. H. Bastow, of this city. Both of the Reverend gentlemen delivered short but very interesting sermons. The services included several excellent selections by the Stevens Point and Colby choirs, and a solo by Miss Ethel Pinney.

The ladies of the church served an excellent dinner and supper in the opera house, which were partaken of by many hundreds of citizens and visitors.

The church now has a membership of seventy-five families and is in a most prosperous condition.



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