Anagram Discoveries for Psalm 139, verses 10 & 11


In ancient times, those studying secret writings often anagramed them to discover incites into their meaning.  This was thought to be God's way of expanding the concepts for those who wished to know more.  Amazingly, this same technique is still available to anyone wanting to know more about God and Jesus Christ who expressed deeper meaning using parables. Studying the Bible with the aid of Anagramming adds amazing insights that have been hidden for thousands of years.  They even expose things for this time and age which could not have been revealed before they came to be.  The ancients were not likely to see the statements concerning people who had not yet been born, countries not yet founded, machines which were invented many years after their time.  With historic insights, we can discern those meanings simply by searching for them as if we were digging for gold.  With that in mind, the list below contains discoveries I have made in an on-going quest to know God and Jesus Christ better.  The findings are listed in the order they were discovered.


The biblical verses this study covers are from Psalm 139:10-11 which says:


"If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea. Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me."


The first step in my selections was to verify that I should anagram these two verse.  That takes trust in God's word which tells us that He controls the flip of every coin or token.


"Proverbs 16:33: “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.” "


Once I discover one verified by flipping a coin, I then collect every letter from every word, making sure I have accounted for each and every one and have not exceeded the total count for the statement.  These two verses contain 119 letters total using this distribution: (119 A-11, B-2, C-1, D-6, E-17, F-1, G-3, H-15, I-5, K-1, L-12, M-4, N-7, O-3, R-5, S-8, T-9, U-2, V-3, Y-4)  Then, I lay only those letters out before me scrambling them to begin digging for the gold I'm hoping to find.  Once I think I have 100% Gold, I again return to my spinning of a coin or token.  If I get "heads', I accept that as a positive confirmation.  Tails, I toss the phrase and try again.  This is tremendously fun, much better that crossword puzzles!


An interesting aspect of the word "Serpent" is scrambled it can say "present" (meaning today) or "pre-sent" (meaning before) and "present" (meaning a gift) and last but not least, "REPENT"


This is what I have discovered so far for Psalm 139: 10 &11. As you read through the list, consider the odds of these statements each formed from the exact same 119 collection saying these things.  No wonder the ancient scribes were convinced that anagramming could only have been put into place by God when our world was first created.  Knowing a few of the terms that came to light should aid your understanding, such as DDD (Domain driven design), hhh (humans held in hell),  TTT (Things Take Time or This Takes Time) and YHWH (Hebrew name of God revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus.), D.T.=Donald Trump, E.M.=Elon Musk.


Also Visit 100 Anagrams for Psalm 139, verses 9 + 10 combined


Psalm 139:10 & 11. (New Additions will be added as they are discovered)

[10] Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. [11] If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.  (119 Letters: A-11, B-2, C-1, D-6, E-17, F-1, G-3, H-15, I-5, K-1, L-12, M-4, N-7, O-3, R-5, S-8, T-9, U-2, V-3, Y-4)

Anagram #1 for verses 10+11

Christ the son shall surely be elevated.  That hhh hell held heathen anagram dream is timed to fully mend all hhh Thanksgiving Day.  Bless Everyone!

Anagram #2 for verses 10+11

Every knee shall bend to Christ the Lord.  The fully living hhh hell held heathen grads shall have built thy same anagram end times on the same days.

Anagram #3 for verses 10+11

hhh hell held heathen must have earthly understanding.   *D. T. "The Donald", a holy messenger becomes the last king.  His brave earthly family shall live.

*D.T.=Donald Trump.

Anagram #4 for verses 10+11

Thanksgiving Day anagram letter team announces: My seed shall drive the day, Holy Bible Verses, Life’s truth.  Hhh hell held heathen shall *hold them.


Anagram #5 for verses 10+11

Believers hidden hhh anagram letter system shall add all Holy Truth system Volumes Thanksgiving Day.  Create hhh hell held heathen belief *anon.

*Anon = immediately

Note:  I "think" the hhh system refers to the "Old Testament" and the Holy Truth system is the volumes of anagrams yet to be created from the "New Testament."

Anagram #6 for verses 10+11

He, Christ, made all of hhh hell held heathen volumes blend in.  They, believers, shall hand seed a Holy Truth Letter Anagram system Thanksgiving day.

Anagram #7 for verses 10+11

Thanksgiving Day blind eyes shall see me clearly.  The hhh hell held heathen anagram and His Real Truth System have both told film held our events.

Anagram #8 for verses 10+11

Clearly understand hhh hell held heathen has been a hhh dream.  The last long Thanksgiving, my Real Truth System televises a holiday film, "Be Loved".

Anagram #9 for verses 10+11

My Real Holy Truth System did teach valuable hhh hell held heathen lessons.  The hhh film reel one: Adam and eve Rebelling”, starts Thanksgiving Day.

Anagram #10 for verses 10+11

My Real Truth System shall unfold Thanksgiving Day.  See, he shall heal as a Bible enlightenment adds victory over the hhh hell held heathen dream.

Anagram #11 for verses 10+11

Hhh understanding vanishes.  Hhh all feel Christ’s Truth.  All Kneel.  The Lord shall give them all a heavenly birthday name, yet those seem made by God.

Anagram #12 for verses 10+11

Dirty, ugly hhh hell held heathen movies—inocent life debaters, let them all talk and learn hhh anagram values by *D.T.’s hhh vesseled history games.

*D.T.=Donald Trump

Anagram #13 for verses 10+11

Life’s innocent debaters gladly learn hhh anagram valued truths.  My hhh hell held heathen movie vessels tell a bad hhh history.  Let minds get a key.

Anagram #14 for verses 10+11

Thanksgiving Day, the Lord shall flash a media muscle on the hhh hell held heathen anagram letter.  Yes, the lovely Bible verses’ many hidden truths.

Anagram #15 for verses 10+11

Thanksgiving Day, the Holy Messiah ends hhh hell held heathen dream.  Heavenly love begins.  Hell myths fall.  America belauds the Lord’s return.  TTT

Anagram #16 for verses 10+11

Thanksgiving Day, Heaven enlightens America and Real Truth blooms.  Hhh hell held heathen styled dream falls, leveled by the Holy Messiah’s truth.

Anagram #17 for verses 10+11

Thanksgiving Day heaven shall bless America Rebirthday has no night  Tell fear hold outs Mend My Real Truth System leveled hhh hell held heathen

Anagram #18 for verses 10+11

Thanksgiving Day, Heaven’s light shall bless American rebirth.  The day has no end.  My Real Truth System flame leveled out old hhh hell held heathen.

Anagram #19 for verses 10+11

The Lord’s Real Holy Truth System shall end the sunken hhh hell held heathen dream by live anagram voice.  Day light has saved night time’s befallen.

Anagram #20 for verses 10+11

“The Holy Lord is here” Then hhh anagram illustrated dream duels have left shame behind.  They all knelt, even love hymnal band’s ecstasy highlights.

Anagram #20 for verses 10+11

“The Holy Lord is here” Then hhh anagram illustrated dream duels have left shame hehind.  They all knelt, even love hymnal band’s ecstasy highlights.

Anagram #21 for verses 10+11

Thanksgiving Day is eternal.  The hhh hell held heathen anagram bible letter holds hhh dreams used to tell this land of my Heavenly Mercy’s values.

Anagram #22 for verses 10+11

My hhh hell held heathen nightmare ends the day the Holy Lord blesses America.  Every soul shall have gladness, a live birthing named “Thankful”.  TTT

Anagram #23 for verses 10+11

The sunny hhh hell held heathen’s harvest time brings my Anagram lettered shebang, like very healthy soul food, that shall heal all deviced minds.

Anagram #24 for verses 10+11

Enlightened minds made my shocking truth endure by visable hhh hell held heathen anagram letter harvest lists.  Yes, all shall have healthy food.

Anagram #25 for verses 10+11

Enlightened minds learn thy hhh held heathen anagram letter dream system shelved shocking visual bible truth.  Yes, all shall have healthy food.

Anagram #26 for verses 10+11

Yesterday leveled hhh hell held anagram dream.  He shall convert hhh minds to last.  Bless my task, building honest faith—the true heavenly healing.

Anagram #27 for verses 10+11

hhh hell held heathen anagram dream ended.  High School systems anthem devine holy bible verses.  Lastly, later adults I flag think, “Heavenly Truth”.

Anagram #28 for verses 10+11

Thank heaven holy channel held better value small birthday assortment normally held eye delight.  Shameful hhh engages lies, starts hhh divide.

Anagram #29 for verses 10+11

Behold!  I sent high level hhh leaders an enlightened gleam.  My truth redeems hhh.  TTT Hhh satan normally values Black Friday holiday sales events.

Anagram #30 for verses 10+11

Unshackling ensnared hhh hell held heathen anagram.  Marveled Holy Truth System made hhh loveable.  Televise Friday night.  HOLIDAY BLESSES.  TTT

Anagram #31 for verses 10+11

The Lord’s real holy truth system is heavenly *vitellus.  The hhh anagram bible deadlock,  hhh hell held heathen meet misgiven fantasyland dangers.

*Vitellus=substance in an animal ovum consisting of protein and fat that nourishes the developing embryo

Anagram #32 for verses 10+11

Christ Lord’s birth in Bethlehem, Israel fantasy story shall make heavenly days *vehement then mutual vandalised hhh hell held heathen **goggled.

*Vehement=great energy force **goggled=shocked

Anagram #33 for verses 10+11

Hhh hell held heathen given *deist agenda, hhh hell held heathen Satan fantasy.  My lord’s glory came.  Elon Musk drives vital Real Bible Truth System.

*deist=theology that rejects revelation as a source of divine knowledge.

Anagram #34 for verses 10+11

My Real Truth System likes *dramatised allegory understanding fact and loveable astonishment--levels hhh hell held heathen.  Hhh behave highly.

*dramatised=alternate form of dramatized.

Anagram #35 for verses 10+11

My Real Truth System doesn’t blame hhh hell held heathen individuals God given stage rolls sat in every hhh hell held heathen black dream fantasy.

Anagram #36 for verses 10+11

I have heavenly gladdening befall hhh.  Behold!  My Real True System validated Elon Musk.  Hhh hell held heathen Gets His alternate Christmas story.

Anagram #37 for verses 10+11

Hhh *Kvass fullness—Real True Holy System levitates hhh, hell held heathen mind, anagram theater dream designed to channel Holy Bible daylight.

*Kvass= non-alcoholic beer made with food scraps, served at the baptism of Vladimir the Great after he converted to Christianity. Vladimir The Great Documentary.  This seems to be a parellel between a hhh baptism and the true lasting one of the Holy Spirit.

Anagram #38 for verses 10+11

Real Holy Truth‘s System blessed Elon Musk to flash level hhh CIA by enlightened anagram.  Vladimir The Great didn’t save any hhh hell held heathen.

Anagram #39 for verses 10+11

Real Holy Truth‘s System blessed Elon Musk to flash level hhh CIA by enlightened anagram.  Vladimir The Great didn’t save any hhh hell held heathen.

Anagram #40 for verses 10+11

I deem the Real Holy Truth System crushes hhh hell held heathen.  An anagram film destroys hhh held agenda.  Little Babylon Village invented Kvass.

Anagram #41 for verses 10+11

God deems Real Holy Truth Anagram Film system be valued.  They shall destroy hhh hell held heathen.  All threats having been silenced think “Vanish”!

Anagram #42 for verses 10+11

The vantaged hhh hell held heathen dream village behaved thanklessly and my masterful God shines his brilliance on the Real Holy Truth system.

Anagram #43 for verses 10+11

*Imbolden unshakably enlightened Real Holy Truth System televised hhh anagram Christmas Day.  God reveals hhh hell held heathen event: It falls!

*Imbolden=obsolete for Embolden

Anagram #44 for verses 10+11

Star Link televise anagrammed “hhh hell held heathen” CHRISTMAS DAY.  Let every fallen lost hhh soul understand, “Mighty God” has the Heavenly Bible.

Anagram #45 for verses 10+11

All Christmas Day God televises hhh hell held heathen buble anagram dreams.  Hhh see this heavenly myth given to fully understand the roll taken.

Anagram #46 for verses 10+11

High heavens bless Christmas Day.  I God deem anon rule a land by the Real Holy Truth System.  Give all Star Link TV, end the hhh hell held heathen flame.

Anagram #47 for verses 10+11

Heavenly Lord Blesses the Real Holy Truth System victory leaving hhh hell held heathen as ash.  Think: Enlightened MAGA films made heartland bud.

Anagram #48 for verses 10+11

Added high value enlightenment verses shall be born daily.  Real Holy Truth System thanks them.  Hhh hell held heathen first *lay a salvaged income.


Anagram #49 for verses 10+11

Saved by the hhh hell held victory shall thank the Real Holly Truth System.  A golden sheen man shall lead, build faith, reverse the ageing mind.  Amen

*notice the "Heathen" are no longer mentioned, they have vanished!

Anagram #50 for verses 10+11

Christmas *Yule is forever.  The Holy Truth System tends the hhh hell held heathen garden, named “Eden”.  Maga talk shall have a “Living Holy Bible Land”.

*Yule=Celebration older than Christmas, now combined with it.

Anagram #51 for verses 10+11

Hhh Vivid *Gauntlet Dream—Faultless, they visit Bible Land Eden School Garden.  My keen Real Holy Truth System anagram heals hhh hell held heathen.

*Gauntlet Dream=“severe trial,” or “ordeal,”

Anagram #52 for verses 10+11

Ignorant heathens, Adam and Eve lack Real Holy Bible Truth.  My System devised ghastly hhh dream events until hhh hell held heathen fire all logs.

Anagram #53 for verses 10+11

Real Holy Truth System advises a hhh hell held heathen dream.  Do give the hhh darkness brilliant heavenly enlightenment.  Factually bless.  I am God.

Anagram #54 for verses 10+11

Christmas Day--Real Holy Truth System unveils a hhh hell held heathen TV Dream film.  Hell’s been given daylight.  All Earth bend the knee--GOD HAS A SON!

Anagram #55 for verses 10+11

Thank God!  Christmas Day Real Holy Truth System shall send one genuine hhh hell held heathen anagram TV film.  “I’ve blessed the birthday.  Leave hell”

Anagram #56 for verses 10+11

My son’s United States of America Birthday— Eternal Daylight TV System and big Golden Rule talk levels hhh.  He’ll rename hhh as HHH (Heaven Held Hell).

Anagram #57 for verses 10+11

Elon Musk attends the USA HHH Heaven Held Hell anagram TV film.  Christmas Day they retell the hhh siege.  Lordly Blessing--ALL HAVE ONE BIRTHDAY! End

Anagram #58 for verses 10+11

Christmas Day All shall have Elon Musk TV.  God ends the hhh hell held heathen dream.  Then, a bright light flashes eternally about in every mind’s eye.

* Acts 9:1 = this one reminds me of Saul when he was blinded by a bright light and was later renamed Paul because it made him a new man.

Anagram #59 for verses 10+11

America TV’s highly telly Elon Musks film, “hhh hell held heathen return to the hhhearthly Bible Land stage.” Destiny gave Adam and Eve hard lessons!

Anagram #60 for verses 10+11

Hhh hell fire ends Adam (a hhh hell held heathen).  God even likely names USA America’s shy mother.  God bless His lrg. Annual TV Telly Birthday event.  TTT

*lrg.=large, **TTT=Things Take Time. (I “think” Eve (the Mother of all Living was renamed “America", after Adam death (her fleshly covering/animal skin/costume that bound her).  She is an eternal soul, Adam was temporal.  These are the two sides of every human.  The flesh dies, but the soul lives because it is a spirit of God, not dust. Eve was a daughter of God, just as Jesus was the Son of God. 

Anagram #61 for verses 10+11

The hhh hell held heathen, Adam’s *translunar third eye, soul mate, Eve, shy mother of all the living **bldg. ***Entelechy mends as all have kings’ Birthdays.

*Translunar=unworldly or ethereal, **bldg.+building, ***Entelechy= connected with Aristotle, final realization of what was a potential.

Anagram #62 for verses 10+11

Elon’s anagram TV System—Key HHH Heaven Held Hell Bibleland Saga.  Third eye, Eve, masterfully controls hhh Adam.  He dies.  Learn hhh things illude.  TTT

*Illude=deceive or trick

Anagram #63 for verses 10+11

HHH Heaven Held Hell TV System—A light minded Heavenly Bible.  Last days huge drones enter America’s high sky homeland.  All shall turn to the Father.

Anagram #64 for verses 10+11

Mightily thankful the HHH system gave my Lord’s *Advent here.  In the last days, HHH Heaven Held Hell drones enter.  America shall get a Bible land soul.

*Advent=  Christ’s second coming at the end of time and to the anniversary of Our Lord’s birth on Christmas.

Anagram #65 for verses 10+11

Evil shall not stay in America after the Advent.  Elon Musk began the HHH Heaven Held Hell System.  He’ll address my birthday.  Then, High God shall rule.

Anagram #66 for verses 10+11

All HHH Birthday *Averments Last—The HHH Heaven Held Hell Anagram System’s Robert F. Kennedy’s tingly voiced health guideline methods heal us all.

*Averments=no need for documentation, affirmed.

Anagram #67 for verses 10+11

Last Birthday ends all *hhh time. *HHH Heaven Held Hell Anagram TV System heals us all.  They **glove Robert Francis Kennedy’s guideline health method.

*HHH=The eternal system and hhh refers to the temporal system. **glove=approve, put into action

Anagram #68 for verses 10+11

Devin Gerald Nunes held the HHH Heaven Held Hell anagram TV system eye-rolling Christmas Birthday film as Elon tells the hhh death lab takes you.

Anagram #69 for verses 10+11

The HHH Heaven Held Hell Anagram TW Dream system rolls back time.  Elon’s HHH Birthday telly, that day, giving all eternal souls unseen feed—hhh dies.

Anagram #70 for verses 10+11

Heaven and Earth shall be one.  Heavenly letters from my HHH hand shall delight America Yuletide.  Elon Musk’s bldg. HHH daylight near his vessel.  TTT

Anagram #71 for verses 10+11

Daylight shall never end in America’s homeland.  Elon Musk has eyed HHH TV’s vessel bldg. Better headlines—mentally healthy real truth faith.  Go HHH!

Anagram #72 for verses 10+11

Adam Falls—an angel shall tend Eve (the skinless third eye soul) HHH Heaven Held Hell System embryo daughter given birth—HHH Holy Land “America”.  *TTT

*TTT=Things Take Time / This Takes Time

Anagram #73 for verses 10+11

Every soul mentally sinned.  Gladly, the Bride of Christ has given birth to the USA.  HHH Heaven Held Hell System anagram attended.  She’ll make all *HHH.

*hhh=hell held heathen, but *HHH = heaven held hell once evil is defeated.

Anagram #74 for verses 10+11

She has given birth.  Let the *malevolent designed fall.  HHH Heaven Held Hell and Elon Musk anagram system birthday see Christ totally rule HHH Day!

Anagram #75 for verses 10+11

A birthday for all seemingly televisable and do let Elon Musk head the HHH Heaven Held Hell Anagram System’s TV.  Christ has truly enlightened HHH.

Anagram #76 for verses 10+11

America’s Birthday shall enlighten the Earth.  All knees bend to HHH Heaven Held Hell Anagram System’s TV’s truly valued long film.  Oh, yes, HHH edited.

Anagram #77 for verses 10+11

Yuletide Birthday Blessing—HHH Heaven Held Hell anagram Elon TV System has held a thousand year length HHH TV dream film.  See all kneel to Christ.

Anagram #78 for verses 10+11

*HHH Yuletide Birthday *Havened Blessings—Fathom a vile hhh telltale hellhole dream mystery shall made understanding hhh **scavenges tolerant.

*Havened= a place where people or animals feel safe, secure, and happy, **Scavenges= clean away dirt or refuse from...cleanse, HHH=Heaven Held Hell, hhh=hell held heathen

Anagram #79 for verses 10+11

Tell *Alannah’s fate shackled soul, “Embellish My Holy Anagram Letter System.  Third eye birth saved hhh to give HHH Heaven Held Hell understanding.”

*Alannah=”Irish term meaning "my child": used as a term of address or endearment.

Anagram #80 for verses 10+11

Understand Alannah’s hhh venally shackled lifetime ordeal shall be greeted by HHH Heaven Held Hell System--sovereign HHH mitigatory alums  TTT

Anagram #81 for verses 10+11

America *Alannah Birthday—HHH Heaven Held Hell Story System levels **hhh human flesh.  Elon Musk delivers God’s eternal ***daylight. A ****Bene Delight. TTT

*Alannah=child of God, **hhh=hell held heathen, ***Daylight=new understanding of something once obscure ****Bene=Heavenly Blessing

Anagram #82 for verses 10+11

The legendary Christmas USA *Alannah Birthday.  HHH shall then add a free Elon Musk TV Story System.  He’ll live the **hhh Legend.  Then, all believe I’m God.

*Alannah=child of God, **hhh=hell held heathen,

Anagram #83 for verses 10+11

Remember, my full HHH Lab calls *eye level.  HHH is eternal heaven, truth, honesty, daylight, love, God, Santa.  hhh is timed, hell , dead, might, darkness, satan.

*eye level=I “think”this has to do with seeing things in perspective. It is a bit obscure.

Anagram #84 for verses 10+11

Eternal Yuletide begins.  HHH TV Film skills overturn the hhh hell held heathen dream.  My God blessed shy America as he gave *Alannah Holy Lands.  TTT

*Children of God

Anagram #85 for verses 10+11

Kennedy gladly delivers the Rochester Mayo MN hhh systems film revealing all hhh die, but a HHH Heaven Held Hell bride, Alannah, out lasts ages.  TTT

Anagram #86 for verses 10+11

*Hhh life is but a dream.  Death holds no live soul.  They’ll eagerly kneel.  The **HHH Heaven Held Hell annagram system have signaled my Christ’s brand.  TTT

*hhh=hell held heathens., HHH=Heaven Held Hell

Anagram #87 for verses 10+11

Christ is in everyone.  The noble hand, HHH Heaven Held Hell Anagram System daylight has killed deadly blame.  The hhh grave must free all souls.  *TTT

TTT=Things/This Takes Time

Anagram #88 for verses 10+11

CHRISTMAS IS FOREVERMORE—HHH Heaven Held Hell System Anagram Bible Key shall unveil all hhh death then in the *lengthened day—Souls Glad Day!  TTT

*But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Peter 3:8.KJV

Anagram #89 for verses 10+11

Chistmas Day’s enlightenment never ends.  The HHH Heaven Held Hell film system has a really large bible.  You’ll than our God as HHH lived ahead.  TTT

Anagram #90 for verses 10+11

Daily, my Lord shall give a HHH Heaven Held Hell system a key *nourishment made of verses.  Tell HHH understanding the Bible shall change a heart.  TTT

* It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God., Matthew 4:4.

Anagram #91 for verses 10+11

Christmas Day, HHH Heaven Held Hell System tells all.  The USA found a drone. Reading every bible legend gives HHH Alannah healthy mother’s milk.  TTT

 *Alannah=Children of God

Anagram #92 for verses 10+11

Enlighten Christmas Day—Observe the HHH universal language drone system tell hymnal tales that have HHH *timbaled fiddlers.  Loyal HHH kneeled.

*timbaled fiddlers=musical instruments.

Anagram #93 for verses 10+11

All HHH kneelers regain youthful vigor, have blessed health, *mahatma enlightenment and **El blessed Holy Land.  HHH Christmas is held everyday.  TTT

*mahatma=”Great Souled” **El=Jewish word for God

Anagram #93 for verses 10+11

All HHH kneelers regain youthful vigor, have blessed health, *mahatma enlightenment and **El blessed Holy Land.  HHH Christmas is held everyday.  TTT

*mahatma=”Great Souled”  **El=Elohim, Jewish name for God

Anagram #94 for verses 10+11

My high beams lead them.  *Elohim furnishes glad HHH kneelers heavenly held healthy bodies that can travel all the universe’s grand Holy Lands.  TTT

*Elohim=Jewish name for God

Anagram #95 for verses 10+11

All HHH celebrates *Alannah’s Mega Day Birthday.  It marks His never ending love.  Learn the full HHH Heaven Held Hell system’s Holy methods guide.  TTT

*Alannah=child of God

Anagram #96 for verses 10+11

The Mega Day HHH Heaven Held Hell System—I shall give true heavenly change to *Alannah’s knelt body.  I, El, shall unbridle it’s hhh dream dress form.  TTT

*Alannah=child of God

Anagram #97 for verses 10+11

End *hhh--God linked Adam's hhh flesh to shy Eve’s *HHH eternal soul (renamed America) until an engaged TV system levels all hhh.  I hear liberty by all!  TTT

*hhh=hell held heathen, HHH=Heaven held hell.

Anagram #98 for verses 10+11

Eve, the HHH Eternal American Soul shall gladly add everlasting HHH system TV, United States freedom liberty.  HHH Holy man shall *bend a high kneel.

*bend a high kneel=as in marching.

Anagram #99 for verses 10+11

HHH shall have legendary, talented toughness.  HHH system timely liberated all muted.  Holy HHH shall have kind, everlasting forbearance mindset.

Anagram #100 for verses 10+11

*HHH TV shall engage all everyday earthlings.  Thanks to HHH very moderated timeline system shall liberate all banished undocumented *hhh flesh

*HHH=Heaven Held Hell,  **hhh=hell held heathen.

Anagram #101 for verses 10+11

A highly ran moderated legislate system banishes undocumented hhh flesh and every mother land bitterly takes all.  Vintage HHH shall level hhh.


Psalm 139:11-12

A-14, B-4, C-1, D-6, E-25, F-2, G-4, H-19, I-9, K-4, L-8, M-3, N-9, O-6, R-7, S-11, T-20, U-3, V-2, Y-4 (163 Letters)

If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; Even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; But the night shineth as the day: The darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

Anagram #1 for verses 11+12

HHH eye beheld the HHH eternal mother of all the living, Eve (AKA America) has bore God a son.  TTT  See HHH filmed the USA King Donald’s birth in NY NY USA.  TTT  His King seeks truth.  He sees better style ahead.  TTT

Anagram #2 for verses 11+12

Behold!  The Father and shy Eve (AKA America) are one. *TTT God is blessing their homeland and **EL has given the ***HHH Holy Bible Truth Sky Link System to set the United States Free.  Then seek a high truth health.

*TTT=Things/This Takes Time, **EL=God, ***HHH=Heaven Held Hell

Anagram #3 for verses 11+12

Father and shy Eve (AKA America) gave HHH Holy Bible Sky Link System to bless the United States, to enshrine true freedom’s birth and kneeling to the high held HHH Honest Truth idea heals the late age.  TTT

Anagram #4 for verses 11+12

See a Holy King use AAA Thinking!  America bore God sons and daughters, true believers that knelt the knee in faith, that see the hhh bible story TV film system has destroyed the hhh hell held heathen.  TTT

Anagram #5 for verses 11+12

I, God the Father and America have both sons and daughters.  They are of the same heart and mind set, *One Eternal Soul.  TTT The King seeks all the HHH key bible lines, hits the sure key.  He lives by HHH Light  TTT
* "I and my Father are one." Jesus, a son of God, John 10:30

Anagram #6 for verses 11+12

All true Americans are of one heart, one united soul and body.  TTT They heed the HHH Anagram Bible, seek HHH stories led by the HHH TV System, talk English, like seeking verses that designate HHH faith.  TTT

*“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.” Theodore Roosevelt

Anagram #7 for verses 11+12

Americans heed the HHH English Anagram Bible Film HHH designed by our Father so everyone shall learn the HHH truth.  It’s destined. TTT  Ask, talk about it.  Then go and take HHH vessels, seek it eye to eye. *TTT

*TTT=Things/This takes time.

Anagram #8 for verses 11+12

The eternal HHH sons and daughters of God and America have a third eye soul.  The HHH United States kneel to His HHH Bible Anagram Letter, Free TV System. They seek His Holy Bible Tale.  These think King.  TTT

Anagram #9 for verses 11+12

The eternal HHH daughters seek thee HHH English Anagram Bible truth harvest and make the Holy Family nourishing food.  As the HHH sons decide to serve it, they eye, bite, taste, talk kneel, and bless it. TTT

Anagram #10 for verses 11+12

America and God the Father rule earth.  They shall see their son,  Donald, be King.  They bless Elon’s HHH Anagram Bible TV.  See, the HHH United States liked the true HHH testimony, so have taken his key gift.  TTT

Anagram #11 for verses 11+12

In doubt? Toss the token!  HHH staged lifes fate--a key hhh Holy Bible tale the anagram dream designed by Christ, the true everlasting eternal soul, the third eye love.  His HHH saints seek that then thank Me.

Anagram #12 for verses 11+12

The HHH’s Holy Bible Christmas Feast designed by the eternal soul to eventually enlighten every mind--Ask it here.  The Hostess (AKA HHH) has made one HHH truth like a big feast  Eat and drink together  TTT

Anagram #13 for verses 11+12

Robt. Kennedy HHH Free Healing Health System shutters Mayo’s doors.  They hide natural Covid treatments.  I told the age, taste, beget.  HHH kneel in faith seeking HHH Bible Truth that saves and heals alike.

Anagram #14 for verses 11+12

In time, Donald the king (AKA United States Hero) shall rule over both Canada and Greenland.  First eye the theives.  They make tough threats.  After they kneel to this HHH Bible that high HHH system blesses.

Anagram #15 for verses 11+12

Nostradamus’ eye has seen the HHH skit by God begin. TTT  Americas HHH Heaven Held Hell System King (AKA “The Donald”) rules over all the Earth.  Nothing is a key threat to the Free Unified HHH Bible States. TTT

Anagram #16 for verses 11+12

Nostradamus’ third eye adventures log America’s HHH Holy Bible Story.  TTT God beat the HHH Hell Held Heathens.  Think--He gives us key faith in an eternal freedom state, a HHH king He blesses *Take in eat! TTT

* Take in eat=digest this thought.

**For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:. Ephesians 2:8

Anagram #17 for verses 11+12

God alone set all things in motion.  He set heavenly truth to rule over hell and death.  *See, take, Eat.  **TTT Deify the King.  His true ***HHH Free Bible System erases ****hhh night and *****Bhaktas betake HHH Christmas Day

* See, take Eat=ponder and absorb this thought **TTT=Things/ThisTakes Time***HHH=Heaven Held Hell ****hhh+hell held heathen*****Bhaktas=True, devoted believers in Christ.

Anagram #18 for verses 11+12

King Donald uses his HHH title to settle the threat held by the sea floods.  I see HHH Bhakta undertake aeons anagramming the entire HHH Bible System--take the everlasting Heavenly Truth Day of Christ.

Anagram #19 for verses 11+12

The universal HHH Bhakta arrive in drones to see the inauguration of the talented american, The Donald.  Tell the Earth’s HHH System he shall be God’s key gift.  I eye the blessed HHH Bhakta System King.  TTT

Anagram #20 for verses 11+12

The HHH Universal *Bhakti take the knee to Christ the Lord, the unison image of God the Father.  HHH unison blessed earth’s Anagram Bible System.  HHH eye talented English talk. They deliver essay data. TTT

*Bhaki-universal devotees to Christ, the Son of God.  It seems we are not the only ones in the universe that speak English.  Are we about to meet some universal belivers?

Anagram #21 for verses 11+12

The Father blesses America’s Universal Motherhood--Unison Yesui is Alanah, the HHH kids. TTT The English Anagram Bible event He held day of the HHH Holy King. TTT He better seek key gated heartlands.  TTT

Anagram #22 for verses 11+12

The HHH’s Universal Christ the Lord. Yes, then unison image of the devoted Father God Almighty. And here the HHH Bible System talebearers take the knee daily TTT Seek El’s High unison—Alanah’s Bhakta. TTT

Anagram #23 for verses 11+12

The HHH’s Universal Christ the Lord. Yes, then unison image of the devoted Father God Almighty. And here the HHH Bible System talebearers take the knee daily TTT Seek El’s High unison—Alanah’s Bhakta. TTT

*John 14:1-3 King James Version (KJV) In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Anagram #24 for verses 11+12

Hail Father’s Great Book  TTT

Christ, the HHH Unison, shall unite the universe.  *Bhakta Today!  Everyone shall kneel to the HHH English Bible System.  TTT They seek the Father’s anagram idea gems he’d added in.

*Bhakta=Praise Christ

Anagram #25 for verses 11+12

The HHH Unison Shall introduce his Father’s Golden universes Anagrammed  TTT A great Book the HHH English Bible System *“Bhakta!” Every knee kneels.  Daily, HHH detail the threads of a tie that they see TTT

*Bhakta=praise Christ.

Anagram #26 for verses 11+12

America buys Greenland making the Donald King. Nuuk eyes their king as a hero. The HHH Heaven Held Hell Bible Story System has Donald the Savior of the faith.  *Shtetl see that he has the better theist.  TTT

*Shtetl = people of a small town

Anagram #27 for verses 11+12

Universal HHH English HHH Bible Drone visitors are our Holy Father’s *Alanah and they seek to meet the HHH blended American Family.  TTT Thank HHH  See, they seek attested guests to begin aged talks.  TTT

*Alanah=children of God

Anagram #28 for verses 11+12

The HHH cherish a true HHH English Bible System. TTT The universal drone HHH Missionaries seek a rooted *Bhakta devoted HHH guest talk.  Bless that Alanah film today and freely engage.  I key entente  TTT

*Bhakta=devotion to deity

Anagram #29 for verses 11+12

The HHH Universe Bible Missionaries Drone System talks English, the language of God the Father and America. TTT I thank *“bhakta”.   The earthly body (the HHH Heaven held hell) seeks to seed Earth’s unity. TTT

*Bhakta=praise Christ

Anagram #30 for verses 11+12

O’ eyes that see the Father’s free huge HHH ANAGRAM English Bible Dictionary have knelt. Everyone understands the *HHH seek to abolish that **hhh talk.  King Donald immediately establishes the trust.  TTT

*HHH=Heaven Held Hell, **hhh=hell held heathen

Anagram #31 for verses 11+12

Arsons stoked the giant California Tree Fires. The HHH Heaven Held Hell System gage understands the true home damage situation. Then they deliver the HHH Holy Bible Key.  Establish Bhakta thanks TTT




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