Senior Class Will


In departing the Seniors bequeath the following cherished possessions to others who may, or may not, cherish them:


Erma Anding - her vivacity to Mildred Baumann.

Dorothy Armitage - her hair to Enhelder twins.

Wilbur Bardell - his telephone calls to Norene Savage.

Genevieve Berrett - her dignity to Jean Seller.

Donald Braatz - his shuffle to Josephine Deutsch.

Marie Bracken - her literary ability to next year's annual board.

Keryl Brunzell - her complexion to Mr. Anderson.

Donald Dixon - his spelling ability to whoever wants it.

†Harold Feirn - his stars and strips (for being football captain) to Clifford Arndt.

John Henry Flynn - his middle name to Donald Wall.

Henry Frantz - his knack for arguing to Jimmie Unger.

Carl Gassen - his speaking ability to Robert Dahnert.

Leila Gluck - her bookish inclinations to some less capable librarian. 

Dorothy Gault -  her exotic coloring to Bernice Jepsen.

Ruth Hanchamn - her spike heels to Lorraine Stelloh.

*Hugh Horswill - his physique to Franklin Nehs.

Edith Housley - her V-8 to Ted Kunce.

Christine Jespen - those expressive eyes to Mildred Selves.

Neoma Kuhl - her book-"larnin" to Clarence Shaw.

Jean Kleckner - her regal distinction to Kathleen Frantz.

Vahla Klopf - her Loyal heart-throb to some girl with a changeable boy friend.

Irma Mott - Her permanent wave to Stella Jacklin.

Mary Jane Nesbitt - her boyish bob to Betty Schmedel.

William Noel - a pair of dark glasses to his red-shirt victims.

Oluf Olson - his meek disposition to Miss Forsyth.

Helen Pagenkopf - her pleasant unobtrusive manner to Geneva Thomas.

Jean Preston - her quiet ways to "Bobby" Jackson.

Henrietta Poppe - her height to "Davy" Krutsch.

Max Pullen - his smooth, black hair to Ted Bracken.

Marcia Potter - her composure to Catherine Gassen.

Gloria Reindel - her neatness and efficiency to the "Freshman" Class.

Dorothy Richmond - her snappy walk to Belle Hansen.

Clarence Roessler - his dramatic and artistic ability to June Zilisch.

Rose Rosandich - the ease with which she learns Latin to Donald Hunt.

Dorothy Rennak - her shy, retiring nature to Louis Bast.

†Lowell Schoengarth - his sense of humor to Martin Zilisch.

Arne Schwellenbach - his fatal fascination for the femmes to Herman Beilke.

Rosaly Stelter - her shorthand-writing knack to Kathryn Allen.

Archie Schwellenbach - her silver-toned voice to future orators.

Opal Thomas - her stick-to-itiveness to Eileen Hoepner.

Andrew Turczyn - his permanent excuse to Orville Evenson.

Alma Vogel - her sobriety to any of these noisy Freshmen.

Irma Wahlen - her dark hair and eyes to Joyce Kleckner.

Leona Walk - her popularity to some lucky gal.

Neil Warren - his chivalrous manners to Alvin Hahn.

Anita Wedekind - her auburn locks to De Wayne Nehs.

Irvin Wedekind - his western gait to Janet North.

Jane Weeks - her eyelashes to Orlando Rude.

Polly Wittke - her main-room vocal effects to Mr. Flynn for after school use only.

Doris Wood - her personality to Arlene Schwanebeck.






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