The Crimson and White






Sitting: Mrs. Thomas, Miss Forsyth, Miss Welch, Miss Getz

Second Row: Miss Haase, Miss Christianson, Mr. Winkley, Miss Lound, Mr. Becker, Miss Baker

Back Row: Mr. Anderson, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Peters



Faculty Close-Ups


Donald E. Peters, Superintendent - Enjoys fishing - wears a riotous turtle neck sweater while indulging in this sport - read war stories.


Vernon Anderson, Science and Athletics - doesn't like to speak at pep meetings - wipes dishes for his wife.

Marie E. Thomas, English and Speech - likes chocolate cake better than anything else - fond of peanuts - likes golf - fond of all sports.

Alice Lound, Civics, Algebra, English - very intellectual - very tall - very fond of cake (any kind) - collects from all her friends at the table.

Claire J. Winkley, Mathematics - plays (?) the clarinet - has an unusual laugh - a good cook - blushes easily - sells tickets for all school functions at the Armory - likes to dance "The Missouri Waltz."

John Perkins, Agriculture - likes to go fishing with Mr. Peters - likes to eat fish - plays bridge seriously - is a great golf player; makes holes in one.

Helen M. Forsyth, History - likes to dance - enjoys arguments - likes roast beef - must always have a drink of water before she goes any place.

Richard Becker, Manual Training and Band - sings with the band - likes olives - puts catsup on everything except ice cream.

Harriette E. Getz, English and Latin - loves bread and jam - doesn't eat tomatoes - doesn't drink coffee - walks very quietly - very partial to pie as a dessert.

Eleanor Christianson,  Music - likes tomatoes - is very modest - uses a lemon rinse on her hair - likes candy bars.

Alma Haase,  Home Economics - drives a Chevrolet - dresses neatly - students enjoy her facial expressions - drinks milk - likes puddings.

Arthur Flynn, Janitor - likes eggs; any way, any time - even three times a day - drinks coffee every few hours.

Hazel Baker, Teachers Training - hard worker - sings when she drives home - (all alone) - her "sweetness" is chocolate candy.

Tom Kelly, Janitor - enjoys his Sunday paper - praises Marquette University and Notre Dame - is seldom seen bare headed.

Mabel E. Welch, Commercial - is Irish - is fond of pie - more fond of tea - most fond of beet pickles - rides in a Plymouth - listens to Red Davis.

Jeanette Zimmer, Office girl - likes her kitten - "loves" to play basketball - dresses neatly - a great conversationalist.







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