News: Granton, Wis. (11 Feb 1910)

Contact: Stan


----Source: THE GRANTON NEWS, VOLUME VI, No. 33, GRANTON, WISCONSIN, FRIDAY, February 11, 1910.


Advertisers: Wm. Ebbe, Auctioneer; J. R. Bladl Harness Shop;Connor Retail; Farmers State Bank; Davis & Mahn Barber Shop; C. C. Sniteman Co. Drug Store; Amidon's Drug Store; Knorr-Rausch Hardware Co.; C. O. Beardsley, Jeweler & Optician; Granton Clothing, Aug. F. Snyder, proprietor and Gustave Deutsch, Manager.










—Wood wanted at this office.


—Mrs. Warren Page spent last Friday with relatives at Chili.

— Mrs., H. B. Holmes will entertain the Art Needlework club this Friday afternoon.

Mrs. Gusta Breed has been at Chili visiting among relatives and of friends since last week Friday.

— Miss Vada Wood of Neillsville accompanied Mrs. Baer home from there last Saturday .and spent the w afternoon here.

— Mrs.. Chas, Beeckler and little grand-son Donald Shaw returned home on Monday from a couple weeks visit between relatives at Seymour and Green Bay.

—Mrs. Richard Anding of Altoona after a several weeks visit here among relatives left for her home at Altoona on Saturday.

— Paul Garbisch after spending three weeks at the Eau Claire hospital: where he underwent an operation returned home last Saturday.


— Herman Schlinsog who was confined to his bed all of last week suffering with quinsy is on the road to recovery.


— H. E. Williams' aged father has been suffering with the grip for ten days past.


— Miss Lulu Beecher was brought home from Milwaukee last week Thursday and under the new treatment is rapidly recovering from her late affliction.


— Mrs. F. J. Baer spent a couple days of last week at the C. S. Stockwell home in Neillsville.


— Herman Schoengarth is home from Medford since Saturday.


— Mrs. Jack Dost who was very ill last week is rapidly recovering, at this writing.


— Miss Orra Marsh returned Wednesday from a several weeks visit at Stevens Point.


— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Heathville were guests at the J. M. Thompkins home here on Tuesday.


— Mrs. Vet (Sylvester) Marsh and daughters, Agnes and Luella came over from Neillsville last Saturday and pleasantly spent the time until Monday evening visiting town friends and relatives.


— Mrs. Frank Converse after spending a couple months with her daughter Mrs. Fay Stratton at Melrose returned home here early last week.


— Mrs. John Mahn and daughter came over from Neillsville last Friday and remained until Monday evening, guest in the Wm. Schune home.


— Miss Emma Kimball visited relatives at Merrillan early this week.


—Fred Wonser of Unity visited his brother E. R. here this week.


— Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marsh of Marshfield visited relatives here Wednesday and Thursday.


— Frank Converse has resigned his position at the Forest House.


— Earl Marsh has finished teaching school at Globe and is home since last Saturday.


— The Kemmeter mill employs 18 men since early this week.


— FOR SALE.  Have a fine buffet, good as new that I wish to sell, or will consider a trade for green chunk wood or any other useful article. J. P. Dost, Granton, Wis.


— Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chapel give [sic] up their house keeping rooms over the bank last Saturday since which time they are living with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hart.


— Dr. Merrill who several years ago practiced medicine here is now located at Grand Rapids.


— Mrs. Leland Davis accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ober to Arpin Thursday for a few days visit at the Rice Davis home.


— Mrs. Sweet after a few days visit at Chili returned here Monday noon to keep house for Geo. Campbell.


— Dave Garbisch and daughter Lillie went to Stratford last Monday on a several days visit to relatives.


Sauerkraut is bully,

Dill pickles they are fine,

Think I ought to know it,

Hart keeps them all the time.


—We are still selling Ladies Coats, Suits and Furs at closing out price.  This is your opportunity to buy at less than wholesale.  W. J. Marsh Dry Goods Company.


—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ober on account of the illness of their daughter Mrs. Rice D. Davis at Bethel moved there, yesterday.


—Geo. Budge of Minneapolis is acting as engineer on the Omaha day passenger train between Merrillan and Marshfield during James Clune's, the regular engineer's, leave of absence.


—A very large assortment of new spring worsted dress goods, ginghams, white goods, linens, tailored waists, all kinds of was goods and galateas now open for your inspection at W. J. Marsh Dry Goods Co.


—J. M. Tompkins last Tuesday received from President Taft his appointment as postmaster of the Granton post office, the term, which holds good for four years, to commence February 1st.


—Will Reinhardt was badly hurt while working at Kemmeter's mill Tuesday forenoon.  He was assisting in some repairing when an overhead shafting suddenly gave way and struck Will on his head, inflicting an ugly gash.  He will be laid up for several days.


—A lady, no matter where, went to a store for a peck of apples, taking what she supposed to be a newly laundered flour sack.  She held the sack and the cllerk poured the apples in, when they went streaming out of the other end.  On examination it was found there were two holes in the bottom, both trimmed and embroidered.  The young man gave up the ghost and the lady sent a small boy for the apples with a—basket.


—Robert Teatz transacted business at the Farmers State Bank on Tuesday.  He presented such a bruised and pitiful appearance that we required of him the reason and learned that this was his first appearance in public since the sand pit accident a week ago when he, while in a stooping position and assisting in the rescue of Louis Albrecht was struck by a heavy fall of sand, completely burying him and severely injured him in various ways.  We with his many friends are hoping that it will be nothing more serious than a few weeks time when he will be quite restored to his usual good health, looks and feeling.




The School's basket ball team will platy at Lynn Thursday night.


Vernet Stafford has been promoted from the sixth to the seventh grade.


The primary room has been busy making valentines.


Verhon Huntley has been absent from the intermediate room the last four days.





Every man to his trade.  There are engineers, carpenters, lawyers and professional men of many varieties.  They excel in their special line because they make that their work.  William Ebbe of Marshfield to fit himself for the duties of an auctioneer recently took a course in one of the best auctioneering schools in the country and holds a diploma to that effect.  This schooling together with his past experience in the business make his services valuable in conducting auctions, as the value of an article generally depends on what the man on the block can get out of it.  Mr. Ebbe speaks three languages, is a ready talker and those who have employed him give a good recommend.





Windfall Corners.


Mrs. Mott Osgood is on the sick list.


Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davis were seen enjoying the sunshine last Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Austin Toptine visited at Fuller's Sunday afternoon.


Mr. and Mrs. Hal Holmes visited at E. A. Beeckler's Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. Byrl Kidd and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Mellen took in the wrestling match at Neillsville Saturday night.


"Effie", said Maggie, who laboriously spelling words from a first reader, how can you tell which is a "d" and which is a "b"?


"Why," replied Effie wisely, the 'd' has its tummy on its back."



East Grant.



Warmer weather.


Mr. Dave Garbisch and daughter Lillie went to Stratford Monday for a few days visit with relatives.


Mr. Henry Winter made a business trip to Granton Monday afternoon.


Roscoe Mellen traded his bay horse to Homer Davis for a 4-year-old black colt.


Those who attended the wrestling match at Neillsville Saturday evening pronounced it fine.


Willie Breseman makes a number of trips to Granton.  Every Monday morning and every Friday evening we see him go.  Wonder if the school won't be closed before long?


Osvine Berthold formerly of this place is in this vicinity visiting old neighbors.  He is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Berthold of Tioga.


Helmut Beyer was at Neillsville between trains Monday.


R. W. Mellen is the proud possessor of a fine new harness.


We were requested some time ago to write every week, but if somebody don't get married pretty soon we won't have any news to write.


Say Heathville that was a dandy letter you-wrote last week. Send in another, and you: will perhaps hear from Mr. N. Kidd of Ocean Park or else from some of the fish.



Wonder how it feels when a young sin gets kicked almost out of a cutter.


 Joe Madler has returned from Wausau where he had a logging job. He ia now making his home with his brother Pete. It's quite a ways to go. Joe.

Chas. Sanger of Rockham, S. D., reports robins and crows to be plentiful there at this time of the year.  He will commence seeding next month. Chas, is a well known Wisconsin boy but now the hair in his face have got the start of him. Well where there is hair, there is money.

Well again we'll say Wellie Davis aint [sic] got so far to go.


Otto Kempin is going to be married in the spring to a well known lady of Lynn.

A few sharp shooters wanted in U. S. navy. Inquire at Granton.

George Ives went to Marshfield on Monday to spend a few days with his daughter Grace Maluge.

John Madler bought a little pig Saturday of last week. It was taken over to a neighbor, stabbed and bled to death in a few minutes after. The boys all gathered around. Prost.

Seth Martin of Washington, made a will to the effect that his remains should be taken to Wisconsin (Chili) after his spirit departs from his body.

Nathan Drake will return from Washington some time next month. Come on Nate you're welcome.

Notices have been posted in the town of Fremont to prohibit all public gatherings on account of small pox. School district No. 2 and 6 have been closed. God bless the thoughtfulness of our health department.

Wm. and Henry Grottke have returned from the woods. Bill and Chas. Guk are also at home.


Foemmel's Corners.


Mrs. Heck was confined to her bed Several days last week


Quite a number from here attended the wrestling match at Neillsville Sat. evening.

Ice is being hauled by here day for the Coats factory.

Walter Rowe bought home rock of Homer King and has been busy the past week hauling it away.

Truman Davia and family spent Sunday at Ara Lee's.

Chas. Hayden of Chili has rented Geo. Campbell's farm and will take possession the first of March.

John Pietenpol and family Sundayed at Earnest Lee's.

Eli Heck has rented Homer King's farm for another year.

Joe Lastofka and wife, Frank Krejci and wife spent Thursday evening at Harry Cattanah's.



Emma Kelpin camme from Altoona Friday for a two weeks visit at home.

Henry Garbisch and Dan Gluch drove to Neillsville Saturday.

Carl Loeffler transacted business at Granton Saturday.

Earnest Ayers went to Neillsville Saturday evening: to see the wrestling match.

August and Dan Gluch are hauling wood from the old creamery to Granton.

Emma and Martha Kelpin, Ida and Herman Gluch and Charley Kelpin attended the masquerade at Lynn Sat. night.

Hulda Schoengarth visited relatives at Chili the latter part of last week. 


Will Streblow oif Cleveland, Wis., who is here on a combined business and pleasure trip called an his uncle F. D. Riedel Sunday.

Judge Schoengarth and mother of Neillsville visited at Wm. Schoengarth's Sunday.

Lizzie and Klsie Krause spent Sunday afternoon with Emma Riedel.

Charley Kelpin had a birthday party Sunday evening. A good time is reported.

Dan Gluch and family spent Mon day afternoon at Granton.

Dave Hillert and son were seen on our streets Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bun Dudei drove to Granton Tuesday morning.




Some parties in the country have been afraid to come to Chili on account of cases of small pox in the neighborhood, and also account of the fact that the board of health thought it prudent to close two district schools and also all the churches in the township. Certainly a wise precaution to prevent the spread of small pox.  But as far as Chili is concerned, there is no danger at present of catching this disease as there is now not one case of small pox in the township to our knowledge.  Those families affected were let out last Friday

Vincent Meyers lost one of his twin babies Monday, The child has been sick only a few days. The family has our sympathy.

Louis Albrecht: who was seriously injured last week in the sand pit is still quite sick, but there are hopes for his ultimate recovery.

For wall paper go to . H. Degener, he has a fine line of samples. If you have no time to come, drop a line and the samples will be brought to the house for inspection and selection.

A number from here took in the wrestling match at Neillsville Saturday night.

The street light which is being tried certainly gives a splendid light. Perhaps it will become in the near future fixture of the village.


Mrs. W. W. Page and her mother were visitors at Frank Waterman's home.

Anna Fenske took up a position with Mrs. Hirth at Marshfield. Some livery horses will have more rest now than they had in the past.



Miss Gertrude Martin who has ill for a week or more is slowly convalescing at present.

Miss Anita Brule attended the basket ball game at Marshfield played between Neillsville and Marshfield. Friday.

The masquerade dance given by the basket ball team Saturday evening was the best success of the social season.

A large number of Miss Emma Altenburg's music scholars and others gave her a very pleasant surprise party Wednesday, February 2 in honor of her birthday. The evening was pleasantly spent with music and games.

Mrs. Keenan of Dexterville transacted business at this place Monday.

Mrs. Erickson of Pittsville arrived Monday in response to a telegram of the sickness of her daughter Mrs. M. Osgood of Granton.

Miss Vivian Ure entertained the Busy Bee Embroidery club Saturday p. m.

Herman and Heury Beil of Hilbert are the guests of their cousin A. W. Beil. Mr. Beil and his guests transacted business at Neillsville Monday.

Mrs. John Martin entertained the Carnation sewing club Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grassman were business callers at Neillsville Saturday.


The Misses Etta and Emma Altenburg visited their sister Mrs. Tremmeling at Heathville Tuesdan.


Miss E. Montag was shopping at Neillsville the fore part of last week.




F. Weeks, dentist, Neillsville.  Phone 149.  Office in Schoengarth building.




Money to Loan at 5 1/2 percent on choicest improved farm loans.  Call on or write to Geo. L. Jacques, Atty. at Law, Neillsville, Wis.




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